- Winnipeg Sun
name = Winnipeg Sun
type = Dailynewspaper
format =Tabloid
foundation = October 11, 1980 (announced)
November 5, 1980 (first edition)
owners =Sun Media
publisher =Kevin Klein
editor-in-chief = Stephen Ripley
headquarters = 1700 Church Ave,Winnipeg, Manitoba
website = [http://www.winnipegsun.com www.winnipegsun.com]"The Winnipeg Sun" is a daily
tabloid -sized newspaper in Winnipeg,Manitoba ,Canada .The newspaper shares many characteristics typical of
Sun Media tabloids, including an emphasis on local news stories, extensive sports coverage, an conservative editorial stance, and a dailySunshine Girl . Prominent writers include city columnistTom Brodbeck and sports columnistPaul Friesen .The newspaper is distributed throughout Winnipeg and the surrounding area through retail sales, vending machines, and home delivery. According to
Canadian Newspaper Association figures, the newspaper's average weekday circulation for the 6 month period preceding March 31, 2006 was 39,320. This figure was 39,476 on Saturdays, and 46,951 on Sundays.The Sun publishes special (themed) sections for each day of the week. Monday ("Sun Sports"); Tuesday ("Fore"); Wednesday ("Spotlight"); Thursday (none), Friday ("AV — Movies, CDs, Video, Whatever", "AutoNet"); Saturday ("Sun Sports"); Sunday ("Sunday Focus", "Tv Week", "Comics").The Sun also published a monthly supplement, a full-colour glossy tab, "Winnipeg & Area Homes", between July 2005 and June 2006, however this supplement has not appeared since.
On August 27, 1980,
Southam Newspapers closed the "Winnipeg Tribune " after 90 years in publication, leaving Winnipeg with only one daily newspaper, the "Winnipeg Free Press ". [cite news | last = | first = | title = The Winnipeg Tribune's closing | pages = | publisher = Winnipeg Free Press | date = August 27, 1980 ]While planning for "The Winnipeg Sun" was taking place, another group that was publishing "
The Downtowner " and "The Suburban ", had publicly stated in their editorial they were strongly considering transforming their weeklies into Winnipeg's next major daily newspaper. However this did not pan out.In response to demand for a new newspaper voice in the city, the "Winnipeg Sun" was announced at a press conference in October, 1980 [cite news | last = | first = | title = Brand new Sun peeks over city's horizon| pages = | publisher = Winnipeg Free Press| date = October 11, 1980] , and first published on November 5, 1980. Its founders were
Al Davies ,Frank Goldberg ,Bill Everitt andTom Denton , with Denton being the first publisher. It was initially published Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Afternoon home delivery began on December 19, 1980. Carriers collected $1.50 every two weeks from subscribers.It extended its publication cycle to include Tuesday and Thursday editions on April 27, 1981. [cite news | last = | first = | title = SUN plans to go daily April 27 | pages = | publisher = Winnipeg Free Press | date = March 27, 1981] The paper added a Sunday edition on September 12, 1982 [cite news | last = | first = | title = Here comes the Sunday Sun | pages = | publisher = The Winnipeg Sun | date = July 27, 1982 ] . The Sun moved to seven day publication in 1992.
Because "The Sun" didn't normally publish on Tuesday, a special edition reporting on the shooting of U.S. President
Ronald Reagan was printed on March 31, 1981.Starting August 4, 1981 the Sun moved to a morning home delivery schedule. The newspapers were expected to be done by 6:30 a.m. [cite news | last = | first = | title = Just call it a SUNshine | pages = | publisher = The Winnipeg Sun | date = July 22, 1981 ]
Within the first year of publishing, "The Sun" was known as "the fastest growing newspaper in Canada."
On March 10, 1982 "The Sun" reduced the size of the paper to more closely resemble that of the other tabloid-size newspapers.
The paper started publishing Sunday to Friday beginning September 12, 1982, with its largest paper to date at 120 pages.
In its early days, the newspaper's offices were located at 290 Garry St. in downtown Winnipeg, around the corner from the offices that had housed the defunct "Winnipeg Tribune". In the early 1980s, the newspaper moved to a building in suburban Inkster Industrial Park [cite news | last = | first = | title = But will we get to Church on time? | pages = | publisher = The Winnipeg Sun | date = August 28, 1983 ] , presaging a similar move by the Winnipeg Free Press some years later.
In February 1983,
Quebecor invested in the newspaper [cite news | last = | first = | title = The Sun joins Quebecor chain | pages = | publisher = The Winnipeg Sun | date = February 13, 1983] , at a time when circulation of "The Sun" had grown to 34,000 daily. Lack of advertisers and not owning its own printing press caused the paper's debts to grow. The new owners reviewed continuing "Winnipeg" magazine, but by June 1984 the last edition was published. [cite news | last = | first = | title = Sun drops its magazine | pages = | publisher = Winnipeg Free Press | date = June 30, 1984]1990s
On January 5, 1999, it acquired the
Sun Media chain of newspapers. On May 10, 1999, the newspaper was relaunched, taking on an appearance consistent with the "Toronto Sun ", the "Edmonton Sun ", the "Calgary Sun " and the "Ottawa Sun ". The current publisher isEd Huculak .Comic strips
From the start "The Sun" carried a comics page. Some of the initial ones carried were [http://www.gocomics.com/ziggy/index.phtml Ziggy] ,
Frank and Ernest , Dallas, Ben Swift,John Darling , Graves, Inc., Barbara Cartland's Romances, Heathcliff, The Neighborhood, and Winthrop.References
External links
* [http://www.winnipegsun.com Winnipeg Sun]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.