Protection Hook & Ladder

Protection Hook & Ladder

Protection Hook & Ladder was originally organized as the Protection Fire Company, and was the first fire company organized in the Borough of Maywood. Serving the community since 1897, they have gone from horse drawn equipment to state of the art apparatus. The first “ladder truck” was horse drawn and destroyed by a fire (yes at the firehouse) in 1915. It was eventually replaced with a motorized 1925 Maxim quadruple, along with a new fire headquarters in the same time frame. In 1949 it was again replaced with an American LaFrance quad, and that apparatus was replaced in 1972 with a Lime green American LaFrance 100’ aerial. All previous equipment in the Borough was red, but with the evolution of fire apparatus came the Lime green trucks of the 1970’s. With the 1990’s came the need to replace the aging apparatus once again, as well as the need to rebuild the old firehouse that the department had outgrown. In 1995, our current truck, a Simon Duplex LTI 102’ Tower Ladder, was delivered. The new Truck 17 is equipped with a versatile compliment of equipment; ranging from a 1500 GPM pump to over 230’ of ground ladders. It has an on board generator, 10 SCBA packs, 10 spare air bottles, on board air system, Thermal Imaging Camera, 626’ of supply hose and 300’ of 1 ¾” attack lines. 2003 saw the completion of our new Fire Headquarters at 15 Park Avenue where Truck 17 is housed today.The busiest truck company in maywood nj has recently been awarded the special judges award along with multiple awards.newly named "SCUMBAGS" is NOT the pride of maywoods fire dept. But Peerlees is better. so shove that where the sun don't shine.

2008 Officers

Daniel Mulvaney - Assistant Chief

Eric Holz -Officially a P.I.A- Captain

Anthony Scozzafava - Lieutenant

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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