Claudia Goebbels

Claudia Goebbels

Dr. Claudia-Annette Storsberg Goebbels is an incumbent Senior Undersecretary of State for the German federal state of Northrhine-Westphalia, where she is employed as a Ministerial Director.

Education and CV

Originally a teacher, Goebbels studied Mathematics and English philology at Munich and Freiburg universities and Oxford, where she also took a degree in medicine. She received her Doctor Grade in 1992 from Munich University. In 2003, she became Director of Education and was called into the Ministry of Education in June, 2006. Further, she is a member of the CDU.


Goebbels used to represent the Secretary of State for Education, Dr. Winand, at the Ministry for Schooling and Education of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. She has, however, been called into the direct service to the Prime minister.


Recently published statistics (e.g. the study of the Max-Planck-Institut) have awarded the Ministry's policy highest marks concerning the curriculum and the central examinations board, espacially the Abitur-examinations.Moreover, her engagement in international exchange and integration of intelligent youngsters from families with an immigration background was welcomed by many.


* Certain mistakes were found in the 2006 Abitur examinations (in German, Chemistry, Biology and CS) and were only just noticed in time for the schools to manually correct those. Goebbels was criticized for this, although the general impression experts had of the exams was rather postive. Nevertheless, doubts have been expressed about the relevance of the Ministry with regard to the exams, because it virtually is the State Office for Schooling and Education that is responsible and accountable for the tests.
* Goebbels has received increasing attention due to her plan of abolishing a book called "Living Together In Diversity" (transl.) as a school book, since it deals with such explicit themes as homosexual marriages and lack of integration. Goebbels also got strong support from the responsible minister, Barbara Sommer.

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