- Catholic Worker
Catholic Worker" is a monthlynewspaper published by theCatholic Worker Movement community inNew York City . The newspaper was started byDorothy Day andPeter Maurin to make people aware of church teaching onsocial justice . Day said the word "Worker" in the paper's title referred to "those who worked with hand or brain, those who did physical, mental, or spiritual work. But we thought primarily of the poor, the dispossessed, the exploited." WhenCommunism was rather popular in the United States during theGreat Depression , Day and Maurin wanted to teach what seemed a well kept secret; the very progressive teaching of the church, so that the poor, mostly Catholic, would turn to their own tradition for the solution.It first appeared on
May Day , 1933 in an edition of 2,500 copies, to make people aware of the social justice teaching of theCatholic Church as an alternative to Communism during the depression. Circulation rapidly rose to 25,000 within a few months, and reached 150,000 by1936 .1Day was the editor of "The Catholic Worker" until her death in
1980 . The price per issue has always been one cent. Writers for the paper have ranged from young volunteers to such notable figures asAmmon Hennacy ,Thomas Merton ,Daniel Berrigan andJacques Maritain .Ade Bethune andFritz Eichenberg have frequently contributed illustrations."The Catholic Worker" lost thousands of subscribers because of its strict pacifist stance and refusal to join in the call for U.S. involvement in
World War II .References
1) Dorothy Day, "The Long Loneliness: The Autobiography of Dorothy Day" (Curtis Booksp.207; orig. published by Harper & Row, 1952).
External links
* [http://www.catholicworker.org The Catholic Worker Movement]
* [http://www.recollectionbooks.com/bleed/0501.htm May 1, 1933] Daily Bleed Calendar
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.