- Mojave yucca
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Flowering plant, Palm Canyon, California
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Liliopsida
ordo =Asparagales
familia =Agavaceae
genus = "Yucca "
species = "Y. schidigera"
binomial = "Yucca schidigera"
binomial_authority = Roezl ex OrtgiesThe Mojave yucca ("Yucca schidigera"), also known as the Spanish Dagger, is aflowering plant in the familyAgavaceae . It is native to theMojave Desert andSonoran Desert of southeasternCalifornia ,Baja California , southernNevada and westernArizona .The Mojave yucca is a small
evergreen tree growing to 5 m tall, with a dense crown of spirally arranged bayonet-like leaves on top of a conspicuous basal trunk. Thebark is gray-brown, being covered with brown dead leaves near the top, becoming irregularly rough and scaly-to-ridged closer to the ground. The leaves are 30-150 cm long and 4-11 cm broad at the base, concavo-convex, thick, very rigid, and yellow-green to blue-green in color.The
flower s are white, sometimes having a purple tinge, bell-shaped, 3-5 cm long (rarely to 7.5 cm), produced in a compact, bulbous cluster 60-120 cm tall at the top of the stem. Thefruit is fleshy and green, maturing into a leathery, dark brown six-celled capsule 5-11.5 cm long and 3-4 cm broad in late summer.This yucca typically grows on rocky desert slopes and
Creosote desert flats between 300-1200 m altitude, rarely up to 2500 m. They thrive in full sun and insoil with excellent drainage. It also needs no summer water. It is related to theBanana yucca ("Y. baccata"), which occurs in the same general area; hybrids between the two are sometimes found.Uses
The fibers of the leaves were used by Native Americans to make rope, sandals, and cloth. The flowers and fruit could be eaten and the black seeds were ground into a
flour . The roots were used to makesoap . Currently extracts from this plant are in animal feed and variousherb al medications. Some reports claim that Native Americans washed their hair with yucca to fightdandruff andhair loss . Among the other maladies this yucca has been used to treat are headaches, bleeding,gonorrhea ,arthritis andrheumatism . Also used as a natural deodorizer. Used in pet deodorizers.References
* Fritz Hochstätter (Hrsg.): " Yucca (Agavaceae). Band 1 Dehiscent-fruited species in the Southwest and Midwest of the USA, Canada and Baja California ", Selbst Verlag, 2000. ISBN 3-00-005946-6
* Fritz Hochstätter (Hrsg.): " Yucca (Agavaceae). Band 2 Indehiscent-fruited species in the Southwest, Midwest and East of the USA", Selbst Verlag. 2002. ISBN 3-00-009008-8
* Fritz Hochstätter (Hrsg.): " Yucca (Agavaceae). Band 3 Mexico ", Selbst Verlag, 2004. ISBN 3-00-013124-8
* [http://www.yuccaagavaceae.com/species.html Common names of yucca species]
* Yucca I [http://yuccaagavaceae.com/photos/details.php?image_id=88] Verbreitungskarte I Fritz Hochstätter
* [http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=242102075 Flora of North America: "Yucca schidigera"]
* [http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/get_JM_treatment.pl?Yucca%20schidigera Jepson Flora Project: "Yucca schidigera"]
* [http://www.desertusa.com/oct96/du_myucca.html Desert USA entry for Mojave Yucca]
* [http://www.keiriosity.com/agavaceae/yucca_schidigera1.htm A photo of Y. schidigera flowers by Keir Morse]
* [http://www.cnr.vt.edu/dendro/dendrology/Syllabus2/yschidigera.htm Mojave yucca, with several pics of plant and fruit]
* [http://www.bennyskaktus.dk/Y_schid.htm Additional info on the Mojave Yucca]
*Foster S, Duke JA; "A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants: Eastern and Central North America". Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston (1990).
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.