National Olympiad in Informatics
- National Olympiad in Informatics
The National Olympiad in Informatics usually refers to the a national competition of a particular country, which usually is the course of selection of the country's 4-strong team to participate in the International Olympiad in Informatics. Examples are:
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National Olympiad of Informatics — The National Olympiad of Informatics (Romanian: Olimpiada Naţională de Informatică) is the most important Romanian competition in Informatics. The best Romanian students get to this contest from every county of Romania. These… … Wikipedia
National Olympiad in Informatics, China — Flag of National Olympiad in Informatics The National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI) is an annual informatics competition for secondary school students. The first NOI was held in 1984, earlier than IOI. Contents 1 Overview … Wikipedia
Indian National Olympiad in Informatics — The Indian National Olympiad in Informatics (INOI) is the second of the three rounds of the Indian Computing Olympiad towards selection of the Indian team for the annual International Olympiad in Informatics. Selected students are eligible for a… … Wikipedia
Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics — (HKOI; 香港電腦奧林匹克競賽) is an annual programming competition for secondary school students in Hong Kong, emphasizing on problem solving techniques and programming skills. It is co organized by the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education (HKACE),… … Wikipedia
International Olympiad in Informatics Training Camp — The International Olympiad in Informatics Training Camp (IOITC for short) is a one fortnight long annual training camp held in India to select and train students to represent India at the International Olympiad in Informatics. IOITC is the third… … Wikipedia
International Olympiad in Informatics — The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is an annual informatics competition for secondary school students. The first IOI was held in 1989 in Pravetz, Bulgaria.The contest consists of two days computer programming, solving problems of an… … Wikipedia
Central European Olympiad in Informatics — The Central European Olympiad in Informatics (CEOI) is an annual informatics competition for secondary school students. Each of the parcitipating central European countries (plus one or two guest countries, and a local team from the host area)… … Wikipedia
Junior Balkan Olympiad in Informatics — Overview=Junior Balkan Olympiad in Informatics (JBOI) is a new competition for students aged 15,5 and younger, residents of Balkan countries. Guest countries may participate if invited.All problems are algorithmic in nature.JBOI is a result of a… … Wikipedia
Indian Computing Olympiad — The Indian Computing Olympiad is an annual computer programming competition that selects four participants to represent India at the International Olympiad in Informatics. ICO is conducted by the Indian Association for Research in Computing… … Wikipedia
High School for Gifted Students, Hanoi National University of Education — HNUE High School for Gifted Students Established 1966 Type Public Principal … Wikipedia