

French commune
name= Libercourt
canton= Carvin
maire=Daniel Maciejasz
intercomm=Communauté d'agglomération d'Hénin-Carvin
alt moy=16 m
alt mini=21 m
alt maxi=41 m

Libercourt is a commune in the Pas-de-Calais "département" in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France.


An ex-coalmining town, now a place of farming and light industry, surrounded by woods and lakes, situated some convert|12|mi|km|1 northeast of Lens, at the junction of the D954 and the D46 roads, with junction 18 of the A1 autoroute in the north of the commune.


The hamlet of Libercourt was once an integral part of the neighbouring town of Carvin. It became an independent commune in 1947. The discovery of coal led to the creation of large towns in the region. The tiny hamlet of Libercourt became a mining town forming part of the conurbation on the territory centred around Lens. Libercourt became home to many Polish immigrants looking for and finding work in the mining industry during the early part of the 20th century. During two world wars, Libercourt and its people suffered severely at the hands of the invading Germans who knew all too well the importance to the regional economy of this mining and railway centre.


Places of interest

* The church of Notre-Dame, dating from the 19th century.
* The modern church of St.Henri.
* A war memorial.

People with links to the commune

* Léon Glovacki, footballer was born here.
* Guillaume Bieganski, footballer was born here.

Twin town

* Jarocin, Poland, since 1977

See also

*Communes of the Pas-de-Calais department

External links

* [ Commune website] fr
* [ The war memorial at Libercourt] fr
* [ Libercourt on the Quid website] fr


*"This article is based on the equivalent article from the French Wikipedia, consulted on August 4th 2008."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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