Ian Wood

Ian Wood

Sir Ian Wood is the Scottish billionaire and chairman of the UK-based engineering company, Wood Group. He was born in Aberdeen where he was educated at Robert Gordon's College and graduated from Aberdeen University in 1964. He was Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Wood Group from 1982-2007, until he stepped down from his role as CEO in 2007. Since 2004, he has been the Chancellor of Robert Gordon University.

Honours and awards include:
*Young Scottish Businessman of the Year in 1979
*CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in 1982 in the New Year's Honours List
*Honorary Degree of LL.D from Aberdeen University in 1984
*Knighthood in the 1994 New Year's Honours List.
*Honorary Degree of DBA from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen in 1998.

External links

* [http://business.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=1416&id=627982006 Sir Ian's pay up 27% as Wood profits soar]

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