Antoni Szymański

Antoni Szymański

Antoni Szymański (30 July 1894, Poznań - 11 December 1973, London) was a Polish Army general.


As a Prussian citizen, he fought in the Western Front during the WW I (among others, in the Battle of Verdun).

Antoni Szymański was the last pre-war Polish military attaché in Berlin (1932-1939). On the night 5/6 September 1939, he left Berlin for Copenhagen, and then came to Vilna via Stockholm and Helsinki. He fought against Germans in Lvov. After the surrender of Lvov on 22nd of September 1939, he became a Soviet prisoner of war, and stayed until 1941 in several prison camps. He was released after Sikorski-Mayski Agreement and joined the Polish Army, led by general Władysław Anders.

His wife, Halina Szymańska, as a British agent, met several times during World War II with Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and Hans Bernd Gisevius in Switzerland and Italy.

ee also

List of Poles

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