ISO 13406-2

ISO 13406-2

ISO 13406-2 is an ISO standard, with the full title "Ergonomic requirements for work with visual displays based on flat panels -- Part 2: Ergonomic requirements for flat panel displays". It is best known to end consumers for defining a series of flat-panel display "classes" with different numbers of permitted defects (or "dead pixels"). ISO 13406-2 also provides a classification of Viewing Direction Range Classes and Reflection Classes.

As part of an ISO standard, the classes are "guidelines", and not mandatory. Where implemented, the interpretation of the standard by the panel or end product manufacturer and effects in terms of labeling of products, what class of panel is used, etc. can vary.

Pixel Fault Classes

The standard lists four pixel fault classes. Three types of defective pixels are described:
* type 1 = a hot pixel (always on, being colour white)
* type 2 = a dead pixel (always off, meaning black)
* type 3 = a stuck pixel (one or more sub-pixels (red, blue or green) are always on or always off)

The table below shows the maximum number of allowed defects (per type) per 1 million pixels.

As of 2007, most manufacturers specify their products as Pixel Fault Class II.Fact|date=April 2008


* The importance of international display standards for both customer and user is explained in this paper presented at the SID Conference 2006: International Display Standards: Status & Agenda", SID'06 International Symposium, Session 9: Display-Measurement&Standards. []

* ISO 13406-2:2000 "Ergonomic requirements for work with visual displays based on flat panels -- Part 2: Ergonomic requirements for flat panel displays."

* ISO 9241-300: "Ergonomics of human-system interaction -- Part 300: Introduction to electronic visual display requirements." The ISO 9241-300 series establishes requirements for the ergonomic design of electronic visual displays. These requirements are stated as performance specifications, aimed at ensuring effective and comfortable viewing conditions for users with normal or adjusted-to-normal eyesight. Test methods and metrology, yielding conformance measurements and criteria, are provided for design evaluation. ISO 9241 is applicable to the visual ergonomics design of electronic visual displays for a diversity of tasks in a wide variety of work environments.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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