- Christian Concern For Our Nation
Christian Concern For Our Nation (CCFON) is a group of
Christian lawyer s and support staff in the UK expressing the intention to protect 'freedom for Christians' in the UK. The group is part of the Lawyers Christian Fellowship's Public Policy Unit.Created in 2004, the group lobbies Parliament when proposed laws cause concern for some Christians, for example where they believe they may be adversely affected by a proposed law.
The group successfully campaigned, alongside other Christian bodies, to stop the
Religious Hatred Bill , which was defeated by one vote in January 2006. The chief whip believed the vote was in the Government's hands and had sent the Prime Minister home.In 2006 and early 2007 they opposed segments of the
Sexual Orientation Regulations , organising a rally outside Parliament [ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/jan/09/religion.gayrights Church groups to march against sexuality law] , January 9 2007,The Guardian ] and a petition which gained over 10,000 signatures, on the grounds that the new law would "discriminate heavily" against Christians. [ [http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/law/article1290865.ece Gay rights laws draw religious protest] , January 9, 2007,The Times ] From Autumn 2007 they highlighted concerns over some clauses in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, organising a demonstration outside Parliament In January 2008. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7187168.stm Scientists in hybrid embryos plea] , 15 January 2008,BBC News ] Both Bills subsequently passed reading in the House of Commons without amendment.The group publishes information for churches to help them understand what is happening in Parliament - something that is often seen as an obfuscatory process. They have also supported cases where they believe Christians are potentially having their freedom curtailed inappropriately, including:
* Lydia Playfoot, when her desire to wear a Christian Ring from the organisationSilver Ring Thing was challenged by her school; [ [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/news/?NewsID=858 High Court hears case for 'Silver Ring Thing'] , June 22, 2007, "Religious Intelligence"] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6900512.stm 'Chastity ring' girl loses case] , July 16 2007,BBC News ]
* Andrew McClintock, a Christian JP who stood down from an adoption board he was on because of potential changes to procedure that he felt would compromise his Christian beliefs;citation needed|date=October 2008 and
* Pauline and Vincent Matherick, longstanding foster parents who had refused to sign Somerset County Council’s new contract to implement the new Sexual Orientation Regulations. [Ruth Gledhill , [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article2787896.ece Gay row foster parents win right not to 'promote' homosexuality] , November 1, 2007,The Times ]Representatives of the group have appeared on television, on radio and in the press when relevant stories break, and produce their own campaign videos on topics such as those listed above, which are distributed via the Internet.
Criticism of the group
Channel 4 documentary "In God's Name", aired on 19 May 2008, was critical of the group, presenting it as part of a "Christian fundamentalist" network, and reporting links withNadine Dorries ' "20 weeks campaign" (to reduce the time limit forabortion in the UK) and with theConservative Christian Fellowship . [Sunny Hundal , [http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/may/21/fundamentallyflawed Fundamentally flawed] , May 21 2008,The Guardian ]References
External links
* [http://www.ccfon.org www.ccfon.org Christian Concern for Our Nation (Official Site)]
* [http://www.lawcf.org www.lawcf.org Lawyers Christian Fellowship]
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