Visible Speech

Visible Speech

Infobox Writing system
name = Visible Speech
type = Alphabet
time = 1867 to the present
languages = ?
creator = Alexander Melville Bell
sisters = 85
children =
sample =
imagesize = 200px
unicode = U+E780 to U+E7FF in the ConScript Unicode Registry
iso15924 = Visp

Visible speech is the name of the writing system used by Alexander Melville Bell, who was known internationally as a teacher of speech and proper elocution and an author of books on the subject. The system is composed of symbols that show the position and movement of the throat, tongue, and lips as they produced the sounds of language and it is a type of phonetic notation. The system was used to aid the deaf in learning to speak. Alexander Graham Bell learned the symbols, assisted his father in giving public demonstrations of the system and mastered it to the point that he later improved upon his father's work. Eventually Alexander Graham Bell became a powerful advocate of visible speech and oralism in the United States. The money he earned from his patent of the telephone helped him to pursue his mission.

External links

* [ Review of Alex Melville Bell's Visible Speech]
* [ Visible Speech with IPA equivalents] (
* [ Visible Speech as a Means of Communicating Articulation to Deaf Mutes] (American Memory: Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers)
* [ Description and Overview of Visible Speech, with fonts]
* [ Free font and TeX package for Visible Speech]
* [,M1| Visible Speech, by Alex M. Bell through Google books]
* [| Primer of Phonetics, by Henry Sweet through Google books. A manual on Sweet's revision of Visible Speech, Organic Speech]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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