AWA may be an abbreviation for:
* Amalgamated Wireless Australasia Limited (Australian Stock Exchange symbol: AWA), a former manufacturer of radio and communications equipment which changed its name to "AWA Limited" in 1988
* America West Airlines
* The American Wrestling Association, an American professional wrestling promotion that operated from 1957 through 1991
* The South African promotion Africa Wrestling Alliance that has operated since 1990
* AWA Superstars of Wrestling, a professional wrestling promotion that's operated since 1996 (not related to the original AWA)
* The American Wrestling Affiliates, a professional wrestling promotion which formed in 2008
* Application Web Access, Some kind of access to application by web
* Australian Workplace Agreement
* Awadhi language (ISO 639 language code: awa)
* Anime Weekend Atlanta, an anime convention held yearly in Atlanta, Georgia
* Anarchist Workers Association

Awa (or variants) can refer to:
* "Awa", stage name of Leena Peisa from the band Lordi
* Awá, an endangered indigenous people of Amazonia
* Awá (kwaiker), an indigenous people in the Colombia-Ecuador border.
* Awa (people), a people group in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea
* Awa, Tokushima (Japan), a town
* Awa District, Chiba (Japan), a modern geographical administrative division
* Awa District, Tokushima (Japan), a modern geographical administrative division
* Awa Province (Chiba) (Japan), a historical geographical administrative division
* Awa Province (Tokushima) (Japan), a historical geographical administrative division
* "awa" (without initial glottal stop), the Hawaiian name of the Milkfish ("Chanos chanos")
* "‘awa" (with initial glottal stop), the Hawaiian name of Kava ("Piper methysticum")

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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