János Kemény

János Kemény

János Kemény or Kemény János may refer to:

*János Kemény (author)
*John George Kemeny inventor
*John Kemény (Prince) duke/prince of Transylvania

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  • Kemeny — Kemeny,   John George (eigentlich János György Kemény), ungarisch US amerikanischer Mathematiker und Computerpionier, *Budapest 31.5. 1926, †Hanover (New Hampshire, USA) 26.12. 1992; Kemeny kam 1940 in die USA, wo er als Student an den… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • John Kemény (Prince) — János Kemény (December 14, 1607 ndash; January 23, 1662) was a Hungarian aristocrat, writer and prince of Transylvania.János Kemény, offspring of a Transylvanian family of Hungarian aristocrats, held various political and military positions in… …   Wikipedia

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