Ethical Sensory Extrovert

Ethical Sensory Extrovert

The Ethical Sensory Extrovert, ESE, ESFj, the Enthusiast, Victor Hugo, or types. The Ethical Sensory Extrovert is a rational, extroverted, dynamic type whose leading functions are extroverted ethics and introverted sensing.

Model A

Ego block

With in the ego, the ESE provides for the emotional and sensorial well-being of others and himself. The ESE thus tries to create an unambiguously uplifting atmosphere and aesthetic and physical harmony, and generally to keep everyone happy and satisfied.

1. Extroverted ethics

The ESE is naturally attuned to recognize and respond to passion, sincere feeling, animation and liveliness (or the lack thereof), and emotional involvement. He is well aware of his own and others' passions and tastes and likes to do and say things that stimulates and gives expression to these passions. The ESE likes to see people become lively and animated and show what they feel without thinking first. Likewise ESEs expect others to clearly show their emotions in periods of distress - despair, anger, sadness - , otherwise they will tend to see such persons as cold, unfeeling, or as not caring about the event or the people affected.

The ESE is typically an engaging communicator who skillfully generates passion towards whatever they talk about. He likes to liven up and personalize discussion of topics by telling stories and sharing anecdotes drawn from his past. ESEs perceive reality primarily through the prism of the external emotional atmosphere around them, mainly, but not exclusively, from the other people present. For instance, the "vibe" given off by a particular place, landscape, work of art, movie etc will also be registered as very significant by ESEs.

They are inclined to take proactive action to steer that emotional environment in the direction they see as appropriate and agreeable in a given situation. Typical examples are: attempts to "liven up" the atmosphere with jokes if people are seen as unnecessarily gloomy or, conversely, to get people in a serious, work-like attitude if seen as inconveniently jolly during a crisis situation. External emotions are perceived by ESEs as accurate reflections of other people's inner state, since that generally applies to ESEs themselves.

ESEs take great satisfaction from, and are reassured by, individuals who are receptive to such attempts at emotional activation. Therefore they are attracted to types with .

2. Introverted sensing

ESEs are naturally good at organizing relaxing activities and recreation, and getting people to calm down and enjoy themselves; but they display this behavior and skill when they see a specific need for it rather than doing it automatically, all the time. They do not place emphasis on being calm, balanced and relaxed all the time.

ESEs are aware of and attuned to people's tastes and personal preferences and they like to do things or give things to friends and family members that will cause them to enjoy themselves and gain pleasure, for example:

*creating a comfortable, clean, and spacious setting in the home
*taking them out to do something they enjoy
*finding opportunities and people with whom they can pursue their hobbies

With their focus on , ESEs are inclined to take a concrete, immediate, "what needs to be done right now" approach both to work and with giving others emotional and physical pleasure, rather than a longer-term, bigger-picture or "visionary" approach.

ESEs have well developed interests that stem from their childhood experiences, similar to the LSE. Unlike the LSE, the ESE enjoys experiencing new forms of entertainment, and is always looking to enjoy things that others enjoy.

Super-Ego block

With in their super-ego, ESEs tend to avoid taking decisions, or discussions, on evaluations of how efficient and productive such decisions will be in the longer run as a result of extrapolations of trends into the future. When taking decisions or speculating about the future, ESEs are inclined to assume that circumstances of the present will simply remain the same.

3. Extroverted logic

ESEs feel a need to appear efficient, productive and knowledgeable in their endeavours, as long as that does not conflict with priorities set up by their base function, extroverted ethics. For instance, they may end up defending a decision or action, even if it is not the most efficient, if it's the one they see as most desirable in order to achieve or maintain the emotional atmosphere they are aiming at (for instance, not be seen as hostile to a given person or group). They are able to participate in discussions involving exchange of factual information, or involving decisions as to the most efficient actions to take, for relatively short times; their inclination is to either try to lighten up the atmosphere if they see it becoming too heavy, or to become emotionally agitated, revealing their frustration. In such situations, if attempts by the ESE to lighten up an atmosphere they see as too "business-like" are met with factual counter-arguments, the ESE tends to perceive that as emotional hostility and react accordingly.

4. Introverted intuition

ESEs prefer to focus on immediate tasks, taking things as they come, rather than try to evaluate whether or not the task at hand will be very important in the longer run. A common consequence of this is an inclination to get stuck with last-minute tasks that keep the ESE distracted from later appointments or tasks, leading to being late for those.

They generally have a poor sense of how long things will take, and what the best amount of time to spend on things is. Therefore it is difficult for ESEs to stay on schedule without extensive (even total) pre-planning. ESEs very often have very precise agendas to plan their professional and personal lives, and yet be somewhat late when actually going about them.

ESEs are more comfortable narrating events or stories, or making a point, on a sequential basis - "this happened, and then this, and then that" - since they are not confident that others will connect the dots as to how one event leads to the other, since the ESEs do not feel confident when doing that themselves.

They perceive time in an undifferentiated manner: the past, present, and future are all perceived as being in or near the present. When talking about the future (especially one's longer-term plans), ESEs treat it as if it were accessible today and often they are not aware of all the developments that must happen first, and how long those can take.

Super-Id block

With in the super-id, ESEs are attracted to people who are creative and full of ideas, able to see the unexpected and fun side of everything, as well as persuaded of the correctness of their views and ideas, able to support them as fitting a consistent logical framework. ESEs appreciate best people who give a clear and straightforward analysis of the anecdotes and events narrated by the ESEs, and who answer questions in a confident, straightforward way.

5. Introverted logic

ESEs have great admiration for people with well-developed logic understanding and consistent views, which allow them to give clear and concise explanation of concepts and straightforward answers, rather than a lot of background information that they don't see as directly pertinent. ESEs want their actions to make sense, but they are uncertain of their own ability to make accurate judgements in that area. Therefore they need external assurance that the conceptual understanding behind them is correct. If they cannot find a source of certainty, they may become insecure and not able to act rationally. Effectively, ESEs love to learn about new things, especially when the teacher appears very knowledgeable.

More specifically, ESEs are confident of their ability to spot and interpret the emotional stance of other people towards the ESE in given moments, but they are less confident of how all that they have observed in that area fits together. They feel reassured if they are able to report in detail their impressions and evaluations of specific actions and conversations involving others, and then getting a concise feedback regarding the correctness, or not, of the ESE's own evaluations.

6. Extroverted intuition

ESEs deeply appreciate people who are full of ideas and imagination, and who give them a sense of connectedness to what is happening "out there in the world," even if this information cannot be applied practically at the present moment. They are even more grateful for people who provide insightful ideas and unconventional analysis to enhance what they are working on or going through at the present moment. However, they are a bit put off by people who are too "out there" in their ideas and creativity, if they don't think they connect to the present world or moment.

ESEs try to discover, and point out, the unexpected, funny and bizarre side of things, as long as it is in an emotionally-positive way (rather than dark and gloomy), and appreciate the company of people who do so easily.

Id block

With Se blocked with in the id, ESEs relate little to concepts such as "solitary achievement" or achieving longer-term material goals in life in solitude or in the company of very select few at the cost of present-day happiness and comfort. They are repelled by concepts such as revenge or defending your personal ethical principles in a way that others would see as aggressive or unforgiving.

7. Introverted ethics

This is manifested in ESEs as a skepticism about, or reluctance to decide on, the status of a deeper personal bond in a relationship between two individuals in the absence of obvious external signs in emotional expression that should reflect that status. For instance, ESEs will be inclined to regard as somewhat "loveless", or lukewarm, the relationship of a couple who do not obviously display their mutual affection, and remain rather subdued in their emotions, in the presence of others - not necessarily in the sense of "public displays of affection" but in smiles, compliments, affectionate expressions, and the like. ESEs take for granted that inner feelings will result in external demonstrations of emotions, or at least to welcoming them gladly when expressed. For instance, ESEs will be inclined to regard a person's lukewarm response to an enthusiastic greeting as lack of interest in, or even hostility to, the ESE, at least in that particular moment.

Accordingly, ESEs understand well discussions or explorations of one's own inner feelings regarding other individuals, but are skeptical or bored if they are carried out in what they would see as a "matter-of-fact" manner.

8. Extroverted sensing

ESEs can very easily, and convincingly, be commanding, tough, challenging, or confrontational, also physically, if emotionally excited or if they feel the situation requires it, but they are not likely to be the first to generate such situations themselves. They can also easily show those characteristics in playful situations, as in sports, games or reacting to "confrontational teasing" by others, which however they are not likely to initiate.

ESEs have a strong understanding of how their desires appear through the eyes of others. It is hard for the ESE to take actions that would appear cruel to observers.

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