

Grumentum was an ancient town in the centre of Lucania, in what is now the "comune" of Grumento Nova, c. 50 km south of Potenza by the direct road through Anxia, and 80 km by the "Via Herculia", at the point of divergence of a road eastward to Heraclea (coord|40|17|2|N|15|54|22|E|type:landmark_region:IT|display=inline,title).

The first settlements, of the Lucani, in the area date from the 6th century BC, but the town was founded by the Romans in the 3rd century, during the Samnite Wars, as a fortified vanguard. In 215 BC the Carthaginian general Hanno was defeated under its walls, and in 207 BC Hannibal made it his headquarters. In the Social War it appears as a strong fortress, and seems to have been held by both sides at different times. It became a colony, perhaps in the time of Sulla, at latest under Augustus, and seems to have been of some importance.

In 370 Grumentum became a bishopric seat, but soon afterwards it began to be abandoned. Due to the Saracen inroads (9th-10th centuries), in 954 a new town ("Saponara" or "Saponaria", the modern Grumento Nova) was founded.

The site is a ridge on the right bank of the Aciris (Agri) about 600 m above sea-level, c. 800 m below the modern Grumento Nova, which lies much higher (772 m).

Its ruins include those of a large amphitheatre (arena 62.5 by 60 m, 1st century BC), the only one in Lucania. There are also remains of a theatre. Inscriptions record the repair of its town walls and the construction of thermae (of which remains were found) in 57-51 BC, the construction in 43 BC, of a portico, remains of which may be seen along an ancient road, at right angles to the main road, which traversed Grumentum from south to north. A "domus" with 4th century AD mosaics is also present, as well as tewo small temples of imperial times. Outside the walls monumental tombs, a Palaeo-Christian basilica and an aqueduct have been found.

Much of the findings can be seen in the Archaeological Museum of Grumento Nova.



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