Cao Ang

Cao Ang

Three Kingdoms infobox
Name=Cao Ang

Title=Eldest son
Kingdom=Cao Cao
Pinyin=Cáo Áng
WG=Ts'ao Ang
Zi=Zixiu (子脩)

Cao Ang (175 – 197) was the eldest son of the powerful warlord Cao Cao during the late Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms period in ancient China. He was killed by enemy troops in the Battle of Wancheng after he gave up his horse to Cao Cao during their retreat.


Cao Ang was born in 175 to Cao Cao and Lady Liu. Little was documented about his early life except that he was recommended as "xiaolianat nineteen.

In 197, Cao Ang followed his father on a campaign to take the province of Jingzhou (荆州, present day Hubei and Hunan). Zhang Xiu, a minor warlord who occupied Wancheng (宛城, present day Nanyang, Henan), surrendered to Cao Cao. Cao Cao then married the wife of Zhang Xiu's remote uncle, which made Zhang Xiu very displeased. When Cao Cao learnt of this, he secretly plotted to murder Zhang Xiu. However, the plan leaked out and Zhang Xiu took the initiative to attack Cao Cao's camp.

Caught by surprise, Cao Cao's troops were overwhelmed by the enemy. During the frantic retreat, Cao Cao's horse was badly wounded by stray arrows and could not carry him further. Cao Ang then offered his horse to Cao Cao, who managed to escape. However, Cao Ang and his cousin Cao Anmin (曹安民) were killed by the enemies.

Cao Ang was not survived by any sons. Therefore Cao Pi, after he ascended the throne, decreed his brother Cao Jun's (曹均) son Cao Wan (曹琬) to succeed Cao Ang.

¹ During the Han Dynasty, entry to official posts was mostly based on recommendations. Each commandery was given an annual quota to recommend talented and morally upright youths, known as "xiaolian", literally meaning filial and honest.

The Cao clan

:"For a complete list, see Cao Cao".

Direct descendants

*Cao Wan (true son of Cao Jun (曹均)) (曹琬)
**Cao Lian (曹廉)

Immediate family

*Cao Cao (father)
**Cao Pi (younger half-brother)
***Cao Rui
****Cao Fang
*****Cao Mao
******Cao Huan
**Cao Zhang (younger half-brother)
**Cao Zhi (younger half-brother)
**Cao Xiong (younger half-brother)
**Cao Chong (younger half-brother)

Extended family

*Cao Ren (uncle)
*Cao Chun (uncle)
*Cao Anmin (Cousin)
*Cao Xiu (distant cousin)
*Cao Zhen (distant cousin)
**Cao Shuang


*cite book|author=Chen Shou|title=San Guo Zhi|publisher=Yue Lu Shu She|year=2002|id=ISBN 7-80665-198-5

ee also

*Three Kingdoms
*Personages of the Three Kingdoms
*"Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms"
*"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

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