- Automatic toothpaste dispenser
The Automatic toothpaste dispenser or "Toothpaste pump" is a device used to contain and dispense
toothpaste , akin to a tube.Unlike a tube, it is made of a hard plastic and functions by pressing a knob on top rather than squeezing the tube.
It was developed by someone in
Germany , however, whom by is unknown, but it is known that there were a number of technical difficulties with the item before the item was perfected, these included storing the toothpaste in the tube without it drying out or indeed becoming too wet and runny, and perfecting the function of the tube, and ensuring it works correctly.Henkel were the first sell their toothpaste in a pump.References
* [http://www.newint.org/issue172/pumping.htm New Internationalist - June 1987 'Pumping up sales']
X-paste "The Ultimate Toothpaste Dispenser"
The newest in the line of automatic toothpaste dispenser is the invention of Stewart Robertson a Scottish Inventor.His creation is the X-paste "The Ultimate Toothpaste Dispenser". It utilizes modern day toothpaste tubes and through itspatented X-pump dispenses the right amount of toothpaste each time without any batteries or electrical connection required.
Patents for toothpaste dispensers go back to 1952 and though there are many issued patents, few have ever gone into production.The X-paste toothpaste dispenser is currently in production. Time will tell if the world wants to adapt to what seems to be an idea that most might say "Why didn't I think of that?".
Currently available at: [http://www.thetoothpastedispenser.com The Toothpaste Dispenser.com
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