- Phalangerida
image_width = 230px
image_caption=Ground cuscus
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
infraclassis =Marsupialia
ordo =Diprotodontia
subordo = Phalangerida
subdivision_ranks = Families
subdivision =
Phalangeridae: brushtail possums and cuscuses
Burramyidae: pygmy possumsTarsipedidae : Honey PossumPetauridae : (Striped Possum ,Leadbeater's Possum , and gliders)
Pseudocheiridae: ringtailed possums and alliesPotoridae : bettongs, potaroos and rat kangaroosAcrobatidae : (Feathertail Glider andFeathertail Possum )Hypsiprymnodontidae :Musky Rat Kangaroo Macropodidae : kangaroos, wallabies and alliesPhalangerida is one of the two former
suborder s of the largemarsupial orderDiprotodontia . This large and diverse suborder includedkangaroo s, wallabies,quokka s,possum s, gliding possum-like marsupials and others. The much smaller suborderVombatiformes encompasses only thekoala s andwombat s. Thissuborder is no longer considered to accurately describe the diversity inDiprotodonta and is therefore no longer used.Phalangeriformes has come to replace Phalangerida but does not include thepotoroo s (Potoroidae ),kangaroo s and wallabies (Macropodidae ) or themusky rat kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodontidae ). These families are now placed in a newsuborder namedMacropodiformes .
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