Infobox Software
name = JOnAS

caption =
developer = OW2 Consortium
latest release version = 4.9.2
latest release date = release date|2008|05|21
latest preview version = 5.0.4 RC
latest preview date = release date|2008|07|18
operating system = Cross-platform
programming language = Java
genre = Application server
license = LGPL
website =

JOnAS is an open-source implementation of the Java EE application server specification, developed and hosted by the ObjectWeb consortium (ObjectWeb is a non-profit European consortium, founded by INRIA, Groupe Bull, and France Télécom).JOnAS is released under the LGPL open-source license.

JOnAS Certification

JOnAS is J2EE 1.4 certified, as of February 1st, 2005. It was the first open-source server certified for free, using a process known as "J2EE scholarship" and established by Sun for non-profit organizations. Jonas is generally considered to be technologically superior, it is included in Red Hat distribution.The new JOnAS 5 architecture will be based on framework OSGi which makes the development of dynamic component much easier than before.

Management console

In JOnAS has a comparatively clear remote management console, providing easily accessible tools for remote uploading and deploying of the web applications, configuring both secure and ordinary web access ports and managing the user name - password - role datasets. This console is based on the JavaScript. From the first impression, the consoles of the comparable open source J2EE servers seem more confusing, with many needed features not immediately visible. This is, however, more important in the teaching process, as J2EE servers are not meant to be managed by the unprepared end user.


JOnAS is an open source J2EE 1.4 application server. It provides a fully compliant EJB container and is available with an embedded Tomcat or Jetty web container. Any 1.4 and 1.5 JVM is supported, and the attempts to run on a free stack with GNU Classpath are very promising. JOnAS can run on numerous operating systems including Linux, Windows, AIX, many Posix platforms, and others, as long as a suitable JVM is available.

See also

*Matrix of Application Servers

External links

* [ JOnAS Project Web Site]
* [ JOnAS team blog]
* [ An article describing how to deploy EJB3s and web services in JOnAS 4]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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