- HCG pregnancy strip test
HCG is
human chorionic gonadotropin hormone secreted by corpus luteum and placenta to maintain the fetal viability. It is secreted in the urine of pregnant women. Detection of this hormone in urine or serum constitutes an easy and first method of diagnosis of pregnancy. It can be detected as early as sixth day after conception. Pregnancy detection kits comprising of a card or strip impregnated with anti-HCG globulin is available easily in market. The test includes immersing the proper end of strip up to one centimeter in the urine in case of strip or putting three drops of urine at the properly indicated site on a card. Result is readable within two to three minutes.References
Shaws Textbook of Gynaecology Dutta, DC:Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.