- Carloman II of France
Infobox Monarch|name=Carloman II
title=King of Western Francia
caption=Louis III and Carloman II - imaginative depiction
coronation=September 879, Ferrieres
full name=
predecessor=Louis II
successor=Charles the Fat
royal house=Carolingian
royal anthem =
father=Louis II
mother=Ansgarde of Burgundy
date of birth=866
place of birth=
date of death=12 December 884
place of death=
place of burial=|Carloman II (c. 866 –
12 December 884 ), king of Western Francia, was the youngest son of KingLouis the Stammerer and Ansgarde, and became king, jointly with his brotherLouis III of France , on his father's death in 879.Some nobles advocated electing a sole king, but eventually both brothers were elected kings. Although doubts were cast upon their legitimacy, the brothers obtained recognition and in March 880 divided their father's realm at
Amiens , Carloman receivingBurgundy andAquitaine .However, Duke Boso had renounced his allegiance to both brothers and had been elected King of Provence. In the summer of 880 the brothers Carloman and Louis marched against him, took
Mâcon and the northern parts of Boso's realm. They united their forces with those ofCharles the Fat and unsuccessfully besiegedVienne from August to November. Only in the summer of 882, Vienne was taken after being besieged by Richard, Count of Autun.About the same time, in August 882, Carloman became sole king owing to his brother's death, but the kingdom was in a deplorable condition partly owing to incursions from the Norman raiders, and his power was very circumscribed. There were revolts of the feudal lords even in Burgundy.
Carloman met his death while hunting on December 12, 884 and was succeeded in the rule by his cousin, the Emperor
Charles the Fat .References
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