- Riemann-Lebesgue lemma
mathematics , the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma (one of its special cases is also called Mercer's theorem), is of importance inharmonic analysis andasymptotic analysis . It is named afterBernhard Riemann andHenri Lebesgue .The lemma says that the Fourier or
Laplace transform of an "L"1 function vanishes at infinity.Intuitively, the lemma says that if a function oscillates rapidly around zero, then the integral of this function will be small. The integral will approach zero as the number of oscillations increases.
Let "f":R → C be a
measurable function . If "f" is L1 integrable, that is to say if the Lebesgue integral of |"f"| is finite, then:int^{infty}_{-infty} f(x) e^{izx},dx ightarrow 0 as quad z ightarrow pminfty.
This says that the Fourier transform of "f" tends to 0 as "z" tends to infinity.In fact, the same holds for the Laplace transform of "f" if "f" is supported on 0,infty),i.e., the above holds as z| ightarrow +infty, ext{im},zge0 if f(x)=0 (xle0).
If, instead, "f" is a periodic, integrable function, then we can conclude that the
Fourier coefficient s of "f" tend to 0 as "n" → ± ∞ ,:hat{f}_n o 0 .
(Indeed: extend "f" on the entire real axis by defining it to be zero outside a single period 0,T] ).
The Riemann-Lebesgue lemma can be used to prove the validity of asymptotic approximations for integrals. Rigorous treatments of the
method of steepest descent and themethod of stationary phase , amongst others, are based on the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma.Proof
The proof of the last special case can be organized into 3 steps; the 4th step extends the result to the first special case.
"Step 1". An elementary calculation shows that
:int_I e^{itx},dx ightarrow 0 as quad t ightarrow pminfty
for every interval "I" ⊂ ["a", "b"] . The proposition is therefore true for all step functions with support in ["a", "b"] .
"Step 2". By the
monotone convergence theorem , the proposition is true for all positive functions, integrable on ["a", "b"] ."Step 3". Let "f" be an arbitrary measurable function, integrable on ["a", "b"] . The proposition is true for such a general "f", because one can always write "f" = "g" − "h" where "g" and "h" are positive functions, integrable on ["a", "b"] .
"Step 4". Because functions with finite support are dense in L1(R),this special case extends to the general result if we require "z" to be real.
"The case of non-real z".Assume first that "f" has a compact support on 0,infty) and that "f" is continuously differentiable.Denote the Fourier/Laplace transforms of "f" and f' by "F" and "G", respectively.Then F(z)=G(z)/z, hence F(z) ightarrow 0 as z| ightarrowinfty.Because the functions of this form are dense in L^1(0,infty), the same holds for every "f".
*cite book | author =Bochner S.,Chandrasekharan K. | title=Fourier Transforms | publisher= Princeton University Press | year=1949
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