

Abbasi ( _ar. عباسی) is a prominent Muslim family name.


The name denotes descent from Abbas ibn Abd-al-Muttalib, the paternal uncle of Prophet Muhammad. The Abbasid caliphate was established by the Abbasi clan and ruled the Middle East during 7501258AD (510 years).

Geographical distribution

The members of the Abbasi family can be found in: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Australia, Canada, United States, Switzerland, Netherlands, India and the United Kingdom .


February 10, 2008 is the 750th anniversary of the fall of Baghdad and the demise of the Abbasid Empire established in 750. On February 10, 1258 the hordes of Mongol prince Hulagu sacked Baghdad. Once the World's greatest city was destroyed, up to a million people massacred. The Abbasid Empire was the largest Empire of its time. It stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to China. During 508 years it was ruled by 38 Caliphs of the Abbasid dynasty, direct descendants of the Prophet Abraham through the male line. 10 days after the fall of Baghdad the last Caliph Al-Mustasim perished the death of a martyr. Several of his sons fled to different countries. The Syrian line spread itself and gained importance. Emirs Ruslan and Iskander belong to it.

Abbasies and Dhond Abbasies in Pakistan

In Pakistan, this family is predominantly found in two different regions. One branch known as the Dhond Abbasi, is found in northern Pakistan in the following areas.

# Circle Bakote (Abbottabad District of NWFP.)
# Mansehra (District of NWFP)
# Murree
# Kahuta
# (Phagwari,Murree)
# The Dobaran Abbasian hills (Rawalpindi District of Punjab).

[AINA-E-QURESH, author Justice Akram Khan (of Chameati, Bagh Azad Kashmir).] . The second branch of this family is found in the area of Bahawalpur, in the southern part of the Punjab province.

Family tree of Akbar Ghai Khan/Gahi Khan tribe

Ghae is an Arabic name that was quite popular in Iraq. Ghai Khan's family had ruled over Khurasan during the Abbasid caliphate (which ruled from Baghdad) until 1258 when Hulagu Khan invaded Baghdad and overthrew the Abbasid dynasty. Under pressure from the west, migration to the Northern Indus Region of Modern day Pakistan just east of Afghanistan (Pothohar Plateau) was an ideal place for the Abbasi tribe to resettle. Ghai Khan's father was General Zurab Khan, head of the military forces in Khurasan before the collapse of the Caliphate. They lived in Kahuta near Rawalpindi, where they are buried and their graves are marked.

All Abbasi Tribes in Pothohar, Hazara and Kashmir (including the Dhond) claim descent from General Zurab Khan.

Sardar Noor Khan of Bhurban Rawat, and Babu Faqir Mohammad Khan of Chitta Moor Unanimously elected as chief of Dhond and general secretary by 80 Villages of Murree .Sardar Mohammad Abdul Qayyum Khan a prominent Kashmiri leader, Col Retd Habib Khan ex MNA (PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY) Shahid Khaqan Abbasi( Federal Minister for Commerce) and Founder and CEO of Air Blue, Miss Fauzia Habib MNA (present) Maj General (Ret) Zahir Ul Islam Abbasi chairman of Misha'al-e-Abbasia), Senator Mehtab Ahmed Khan former Chief Minster of NWFP, Mohammad Hanif Abbasi (MNA), Haji Jawaid Iqbal Abbasi (Late) MNA/Senator, Murtaza Jawid Abbasi MNA (Present), Mohd. Ijaz Khan Abbasi (President Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry) Mohemmad Nabeel Abbasi (Havelian) Gold Medallist from PTV in NAAT Field, Sardar Atiq Ahemd Khan Prime Minister of Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Waqar Ahmed Abbasi (Hejal Tribe) [] , UK who is a Non Exec Director, Friends of the Earth, UK, [ [ Friends of the Earth: Board members ] ] Haji Habib Ahmed Abbasi, Manzoor Ahmed Hashmi are known figures of Abbasi family. The descendants of General Zurab Khan are scattered in regions of Pothohar, Hazara and Kashmir. The family is scattered around the world in many different countries and areas, some still in Iraq in Sunni areas.

After the demise and fall of Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad, some of the family in India was reduced to farming in the northern parts of Pakistan and Kashmir. Another branch of the same family can also be found in Bawalpur, towards the south of Pakistan. In this particular area the family has been part of the ruling elite, and until recently had their own state as well as their own coins. Some of their palaces and mosques in this particular region can still be searched on Google and are sites of significant historical value. This particular branch of the family has been the ruling elite of the Pakistan side of the former sub-continent for over two centuries.

In the Northern and Kashmiri parts, the story was different. Although this particular segment of the family lived in one of the most fertile and beautiful places on earth, economically they were left behind. Recently parts of the family have shined through; as you can see in this article some have climbed through to ruling circles of Pakistani elite. Tribes in this particular region are not as united as they are in Bawalpur and often the elite try to replicate the ancient cast system of Punjab in this particular region. This often fails because, despite their economical differences, the tribes do share common family genes; whereas Punjabi's have long established genealogy and cast system derived from their Hindu origins and they find it easy to practice what has been around for centuries. This is despite the fact that Islam does not allow superiority over another through this route. Within Islam it has been made clear and agreed that genealogy is not the decider of who is better over another but, the belief in God.



Ramal clan is Ramal clan is one of the largest and most powerful, respected and largest clan of this particular region and one of the most influential sub-clan of this particular family. The members of this sub-clan are living in the area of Phagwari,Numbromal,The one of the largest village of Murree.By:Resalat abbasi (

Hijal or Heejal Clan

Hijal or Heejal clan is one of the respected clan of this particular region and one of the most influential sub-clan of this particular family. The members of this sub-clan are living in the area of Dewal Sharif, boosting distinguished people like Khaqan Abbasi and his son Mr Shahid Khaqan Abbasi owner and CEO of Air Blue are just two out of hundreds of very famous members of this particular clan who either lived are still members of this clan from Dewal Sharif area. Clan is also spread across surrounding villages of Malkot, Longal lead by Elders like Late Lakhi Zaman Khan and now village boots human rights and community development figures like Waqar Ahmed Abbasi [ [ Pride of Pakistan ] ] , who is also a grandson of Lakhi Zaman Khan. In Palak there are some family members and sub-clans of this particular family and they too have too many famous sons and daughters to mention here. Darwaza, where elders from past were legendary Sardar Feroz Khan and his wife of great caliber and now his Hajiaal tribe are the prominent members of Heejals in this particular patch. To be fair the tribe has too many people who are well known either nationally or internationally. If you know of some more please feel free to add below, with record of achievements. Some of the information comes from other related links. This article apologises to many proud sons and daughters of this area we we forgot to mention here but nevertheless they know who they are and are welcome to record their names here for historical purposes.

some famous sons and daughters
*Air Cmdr (Rt) Khaqan Abbasi (late) was MNA and was Minister of Production
*Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi owner and CEO of Air Blue.
*General Anees Abbasi.
*Capt Zafar Iqbal Shaheed (First Recipient of HILAL-e-JURAT) 14 August 1948.
*Capt Allah Dad Khan OBI SB (Late)
*Fauzia Habib (M.A Economics) Member National Assembly 2002-2008 and present.

Sheraal Clan

The Sheraal clan is a sub-clan of Dhond Abbasi tribe of circle bakote. The name of Sheraal is derived from the name of Sardar sher khan the forefathers of sheraals. This is the largest and strongest clan of union council PLUCK(Malkot). Abdul Rehman Abbasi and Aijaz Abbasi are notable member of this clan

Jabraal Clan

The Jabreal is a sub-clan of the Dhond Abbasi tribe of Circle Bakote. The name Jabreal is derived from the name of Sardar Jabro Khan the forefather of the Jabraals. This clan are very well known in the Union Council of Malkot. Lala Gul Khitab Abbasi, and Haji Abdul Razaq Abbasi (Nazim of UC Malkot, are notable members of this clan).

Toteyaal Clan

The Toteyaal clan is a sub-clan of the Dhond Abbasi tribe of Circle Bakote. The name Toteyaal is derived from the name of Tota Khan the forefather of the Totiaals. Tota Khan migrated from Kashmir to Loongaal and then to Darwaza. Totiaal clan is one of the biggest clans of Village Darwaza and Totiaals are mainly living in Chamb, Korhi Keri and Tanda(Loongaal). The famous personalities of Toteyaals are Ajmal Abbasi a student of NUST,Mr Khalid Hussain of bagla Darwaza and Abdur Rehman Abbasi of Korhi Keri.

Sararra Abbasi

Another clan is the Sararra Abbasi, they mainly inhabit Pattan Kalan and some areas of Kukmang. Sarra Abbasi was one of twelve sons of Akber Gai Khan and the grandson of Zarab Khan ancestor of Abbasi who came to area of Kahuta and settled there. One of the twelve sons is predecessor of Dhond Abbasis named as Kahonder Khan.

The Abbasis of Potohar and Azad Kashmir are mistakenly confused with Arab migrants to India. This tribe who were settled in the Hindukush at the time of Alexanders invasion fought against Alexander and are mentioned by his historian as Appasis. The tribe split up after the defeat at the hands of Alexander against whom they fought bravely. The group settled in Pakkhtoonkhawa is known as the Apa Zais. The branch settled in the Poonch region of Kashmir after conversion to Islam associated the name with Abbas for advantage in a society which portioned respect according to caste

The Plight of the Abbasis

The Abbasis are an example of the rise and demise of royal families and their members. Not all but a vast majority of this tribe are scattered around the world without any real political power, and indeed in most cases, are not even being able to go back to their homeland, Saudi Arabia.Fact|date=February 2007 The Late King Abdul Aziz Al Saud (1946) issued a decree requiring proof of the blood relationship or documentary evidences for being Abbasi can become a Saudi Citizen. Dhond is the only caste in the world living in Murree, Abbottabad and in few areas in AJK which not only hide their very own true identity but use another caste name (Abbasi) for introducing its name. There is no doubt that Abbasies are the example of the rise and demise of royal families and their members but these families live in Arab states and in Sindh and Bahawalpur areas of Pakistan. The first census carried out by a Britons General in West Punjab in 1861 clearly calls Dhonds a mountainous caste of Rajputs. This finding is much clear from the fact that there is no mention of Abbasi caste anywhere in Rawalpindi or Hazara regions in old colonial literature. Even today if old National Identity cards of any so called Abbasi of 80 years and above age is checked you would be surprised to note that there is no mention of Abbasi Caste on their ID cards. Historian today are puzzled and wonder how the population of a so called outside tribe can be more then local tribes of the area such as Satties, Danyals and Khetwals.

See also

*Shaikh Siddiqui
*Siddiqis in the Horn of Africa

External links

* [ Al-Abbasi noble family (official web site)]


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