Wiebe Buddingh'

Wiebe Buddingh'

Wiebe Buddingh' (15 january 1955) is a Dutch translator, and is the son of the poet C. Buddingh'. He grew up in Dordrecht. Wiebe broke through in 1977. His real big work came in 1998, when his publisher gave him the chance to translate the Harry Potter books, originally written by J.K. Rowling. Also the Dutch versions of Tom Sharpe are written by Wiebe. He translates some books of Kevin Brooks.



* "Wilt"
* "Hard gelach"
* "Wilts alternatief"
* "Sneu voor het milieu"
* "Bloot slaat dood"
* "Familietrekjes"
* "Wilt zit omhoog"
* "Klasse"
* "Erfelijk belast"
* "De grote achtervolging"
* "Geld stinkt niet"
* "Grof geschut"
* "Wilt in niemandsland"

Books for children and teens

Harry Potter

* "Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen"
* "Harry Potter en de Geheime Kamer"
* "Harry Potter en de Gevangene van Azkaban"
* "Harry Potter en de Vuurbeker"
* "Fabeldieren en waar ze te vinden"
* "Zwerkbal door de eeuwen heen"
* "Harry Potter en de Orde van de Feniks"
* "Harry Potter en de Halfbloed Prins"
* "Harry Potter en de Relieken van de Dood"

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