Lie Lie Lie

Lie Lie Lie

Single infobox
Name = Lie Lie Lie

Artist = Serj Tankian
from Album = Elect the Dead
Released = December 24, 2007 (Internet)
June 2008 (Radio)
Format = Digital download, CD (Promo)
Recorded =

Genre = Experimental rock
Dark cabaret
Length = 3:34
Label = Serjical Strike/Reprise
Writer = Serj Tankian
Producer = Serj Tankian
Last single = "Empty Walls"
This single = ""Lie Lie Lie"
Next single ="Sky Is Over"
Misc = Extra album cover 2
Upper caption = Alternate Cover
Type = single

Lower caption = The Myspace album art of "Lie Lie Lie".

"Lie Lie Lie" is the ninth track and a digital download and Promo CD single off Serj Tankian's solo debut album Elect the Dead. The music video is directed by Martha Colburn [ [ Serj Tankian To Post Videos For Each Track On Forthcoming Solo Album] ] .

The music video is available on the iTunes order of "Elect the Dead".The song is characterized by opera singer Ani Maldjian singing: "la la la la la la la la lie lie lie" either with Serj or by herself.

The song is being released for radio airplay in late June 2008 according to Active Rock available for airplay.

The song is currently featured in the opening titles of NBC's "Fear Itself", a horror anthology show from the creators of Masters of Horror, and can be viewed on the show's main website.

Track listing

title1 = Lie Lie Lie
length1 = 3:34


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