call_letters = KESU-LP
station_slogan = Music from Mauka to Makai
analog = 6 (VHF)
station_branding = 87.7 Coast-FM
digital =
other_chs =
affiliations = Independent station
founded = October 7, 2003
location = Hanamaulu, Hawaii
callsign_meaning =
former_callsigns = K06NC (2003-2008)
owner = Jeff Chang
licensee = Chang Broadcasting Hawaii, LLC
former_affiliations =
effective_radiated_power = 3000 watts
homepage = [ 87.7 Coast-FM]

KESU-LP is a low power television station, broadcasting on VHF channel 6 and serving the Kauai area. Inspired by KZND-LP in Anchorage, Alaska, former TV weatherman Jeff Chang began his own low-power station on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. Taking advantage of the station's audio signal broadcasting on 87.75 MHz, the station markets itself as a radio station and airs a mixture of Hawaiian music and lite AC music. K06NC is one of very few low-powered television stations that broadcasts as a radio station. This is possible due to a loophole in FCC regulations:

Sec. 73.653 Operation of TV aural and visual transmitters.

The aural and visual transmitters may be operated independently of each other or, if operated simultaneously, may be used with different and unrelated program material.

This means that KESU need not broadcast any particular image, as long as they broadcast a video signal. The video signal that they do broadcast shows information about the island of Kauai and various public service announcements. Along with the Hawaiian music and Lite AC format it also airs the Dickie Chang Wala'au show.

The station can also be seen in its entirety on Oceanic Cable channel 6 in the Kaua'i island only as well as with a traditional VHF antenna.


The station was founded on October 7, 2003 as K06NC and changed its call sign to KESU-LP on March 11, 2008.

ee also

* KOAN-LP (another LPTV station branding as an FM station)

External links

* [ 87.7 Coast-FM]
* [ Star Bulletin] , January 13, 2004 (start-up of station)

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