Nya Wermlands-Tidningen

Nya Wermlands-Tidningen
Nya Wermlands-Tidningen
Type Daily newspaper
Format Compact
Owner Nya Wermlands-Tidningens AB
Editor-in-chief Staffan Ander
Staff writers 165
Founded 1837
Political alignment Conservative
Language Swedish
Headquarters Karlstad, Sweden
Circulation 57,300 / day
ISSN 1103-985X
Official website www.nwt.se

Nya Wermlands-Tidningen ("The New Värmland Newspaper"), shortened NWT, is a Swedish local newspaper distributed in the provinces of Värmland, Dalsland and western Dalarna.

The newspaper was founded as Wermlands Tidning ("Newspaper of Värmland") in Karlstad, Värmland, where it still has its headquarters. The first issue of the newspaper was published on January 4, 1837. While other newspapers already existed in the province, Wermlands Tidning quickly became the most printed.

On May 2, 2005, the format of the newspaper was changed from broadsheet to compact.

On April 3, 2007, the political position of the editorial page was changed from "moderate" (liberal-conservative) to "conservative", in what the newspaper stated was an attempt to mark its independence from any political parties (i.e. the Swedish Moderate Party).[citation needed] It's the only Swedish newspaper with the label "conservative".

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