

color = lightgrey
name = Thermotogae
regnum = Bacteria
phylum = Thermotogae
classis = Thermotogae
ordo = Thermotogales
familia = Thermotogaceae
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
Thermotoga elfii

Thermotoga hypogea

Thermotoga lettingae

Thermotoga maritima

Thermotoga naphthophila

Thermotoga neapolitana

Thermotoga petrophila

Thermotoga subterranea

Thermotoga thermarum

Thermotoga are thermophile or hyperthermophile bacteria whose cell is wrapped in an outer "toga" membrane. They were named by microbiologist Karl Stetter. They metabolize carbohydrates. Species have varying amounts of salt and oxygen tolerance.

"T. subterranea" strain SL1 was found in a 70°C deep continental oil reservoir in the East Paris Basin, France. It is anaerobic and reduces cystine and thiosulfate to hydrogen sulfide.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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