- Inna Bohoslovska
Inna Germanivna Bohoslovska ( _ua. Богословська Інна Германівна, _ru. Богословская Инна Германовна, alternative spellings: "Bogoslovska", "Bogoslovskaya") is a Ukrainian politician. She was born in
Kharkiv onAugust 5 ,1960 . Inna is married and lives with her daughter and grandson. The father was a member of the soviet military and worked as a teacher at a local high school, her mother was a lawyer.Bohoslovska is considered to be a potential candidate for
President of Ukraine in 2009/10.Fact|date=April 2008Biographical History
In 1982 Inna Bohoslovska graduated with distinction from the Kharkov legal institute (nowadays called the National legal academy of Jaroslav Mudrogo). In the same year Inna begun practical work as the lawyer as a member of Bar of the Kharkov Region. Working as a defender Inna conducted all kinds civil and criminal defence cases.
In 1989 Inna Bohoslovska undertook correspondence postgraduate study of Institute of the State and the right of the Academy of sciences of the USSR.
In 1990 she participated in the Soviet-American conference on a problem of protection of human rights.
Following her participation in the conference Inna was invited to undertake study in the United States. However her position concerning influence of the state on judicial system mismatched the then pro-Soviet ideology of a management of institute and had to reject the invitation at the time.
In 1992 Inna Bohoslovska was appointed to the legal board of the State DumaFact|date=April 2008 - an advisory body to the
President of Ukraine . Issues addressed included discussion and the analysis of various bills, an expert estimation of various legislative initiatives.Inna Bohoslovska was recognised in Ukraine as the successful lawyer in her own right. Not only winning a majority of litigations, but also demonstrating her ability and willingness to be a creative progressive thinker and a good understanding of economic and politics. She was one of the youngest members appointed to the structure of the State DumaFact|date=April 2008.
In 1998 Bohoslovska decided become actively involved in politics in Ukraine. During pre-election campaign for the
Verkhovna Rada Bohoslovska stood for election as a representative of the local constituency in a Kharkov in the district in which she was born, went to school and now lives with her family and daughter.Inna Bohoslovska, who faced stiff competition from 14 other candidates all men, managed to secure 34% of the vote being twice the support given to her nearest competitor, which included the leader of the city organization of the communist party, one of leaders of Socialist party and the leader the social-liberal association.
The policies advocated by Bohoslovska were based around the need for the state to carrying out much needed tax, budgetary and administrative reforms.
Having worked in the extensively in formation, development and preparation of government policy and legislation, Inna Bohoslovska was asked to become one of the founding members of the Party Viche and was subsequently elected as the first Chairman of the party in 2003. On August 3, 2007, Bohoslovska and other leaders of the party decided to participate in the 2007 parliamentary elections within
Party of Regions party list. Ihor Didkovsky was elected as a new party leader. The party is considering a merge intoParty of Regions . [ [http://www.viche.org.ua/partyrus «Интернет - Вече» : Партия ] ] At the parliamentary elections held on30 September 2007 , the Party of Regions won 175 seats out of 450.External links
* [http://www.inna.com.ua/ru/press/biography/ Inna Bohoslovska] — Bohoslovska's personal website ru icon
* [http://www.partyofregions.org.ua/eng/ Party of Regions] — Official website of theParty of Regions en icon
* [http://www.viche.org/eng Party Viche] — Official website of the PartyViche en icon
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