Rene Reinmann

Rene Reinmann

Rene Reinmann (born 8 July 1974) is an Estonian politician and repeatedly convicted felon.

In 2005, Reinmann ran as a member of the Keskerakond in Estonian local administrations' election [Vabariigi Valimiskomisjon: [] ] and, gathering 129 votes, won a seat in the city council of Tallinn. He served in the council's commission on public good order and city property, which was rather ironic in background of later revelations. As of 2004, Reinmann has been convicted 6 times for various felonies and 8 times for misdemeanours and administrative infractions.


On 10 July 2007, "Eesti Ekspress" ran a story detailing Reinmann's criminal history, including repeated convictions for theft and brutal assaults, and the fact that he had spent more than two years of his life serving in prison. [Eesti Ekspress 10 July 2007: [ Rummu vanglast Tallinna volikokku] by Askur Alas] This caused an uproar in Estonian political analysis landscape, [Eesti Päevaleht 12 July 2007: [ Reformierakond: Reinmanni koht ei ole volikogus] , edited by Kadri Masing] [Eesti Päevaleht 12 July 2007: [ Linnavolikogu asub politseilt Reinmanni tausta uurima] , edited by Kadri Masing] [Eesti Päevaleht 13 July 2007: [ Tallinna linnavõim pärib voliniku kohta politseilt aru] ] but due to the very close balance of power in Tallinn city council, Keskerakond was hesitant in letting Reinmann resign.

On 31 July 2007, Eesti Ekspress ran another story presenting documentary evidence that Reinmann's biographical record, presented when running to city council, contained a lie regarding Reinmann's diploma of higher education. Specifically, Reinmann had claimed a diploma of 1997 of constructional engineering from Saint Petersburg's National University of Architecture and Construction, but the university has no record of having issued such a diploma, or of Reinmann studying there.Eesti Ekspress 31 July 2007: [ Poliitik valetas oma hariduse kohta] by Argo Ideon]

On 14 August 2007, Reinmann suspended his mandate in the town council.Eesti Päevaleht 14 August 2007: [ Reinmann peatas oma volitused Tallinna volikogus] , edited by Maria-Elisa Rannajõe] He was replaced by Igor Sedašev.


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