Stripping reaction

Stripping reaction

A stripping reaction is a term used to describe two separate physical processes:

*In nuclear physics a stripping reaction is a nuclear reaction in which part of the incident nucleus combines with the target nucleus, and the remainder proceeds with most of its original momentum in almost its original direction. This reaction was first described by Stuart Thomas Butler in 1951. Butler, S.T. 1951. Proc. R. Soc. A 208:36] Deuteron stripping reactions have been extensively used to study nuclear reactions and structure, this occurs where the incident nucleus is a deuteron and only a proton emerges from the target nucleus. A simple one-step stripping reaction can be represented as:A+a →B+b:A + (b+x)a→(A+x)b+b:where A represents the target core, b represents the projectile core, and x is the transferred mass which may represent any number of particles.

*In chemistry a stripping reaction is a chemical process, studied in a molecular beam, in which the reaction products are scattered forward with respect to the moving centre of mass of the system.IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology 2nd Edition (1997) [ Stripping reaction] ]


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