List of Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science

List of Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science

The Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Science is made up of about 350 Australian scientists. Scientists judged by their peers to have made an exceptional contribution to knowledge in their field, may be elected to Fellowship of the Academy. Fellows are often denoted using the title FAA after their name (Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science).

A small number of distinguished foreign scientists with substantial connections to Australian science are elected as Corresponding Members.


Fellows elected in the 1950s

*Frank John Fenner

*Maxwell Frank Cooper Day
*Richard Ernst Meyer1957
*Robert Harold Stokes

*Bernard Yarnton Mills

Fellows elected in the 1960s

*Kenneth James Le Couteur

*Louis Charles Birch
*Peter Orlebar Bishop

*Stephen John Angyal

*Gordon Leslie Ada
*James Douglas Morrison
*John Frederick Adrian Sprent
*John Paul Wild

*Ronale Drayton Brown
*David Roderick Curtis
*William Herdman Elliott
*Graeme Reade Anthony Ellis1966
*Stephen Vickers Boyden
*Sidney Charles Bartholomew Gascoigne
*Sefton Davidson Hamann

*Alexander Mcleod Mathieson
*Gustav Joseph Victor Nossal
*Ralph Owen Slatyer

*Hans Adolf Buchdahl
*John Melvin Swan

*George William Kenneth Cavill
*David Parker Craig
*Albert Russell Main
*Donald Metcalf

Fellows elected in the 1970s

*Mollie Elizabeth Holman
*Jacques Francis Albert Pierre Miller
*Guy Kendall White

*Geoffrey Burnstock
*William Compston
*Lloyd Thomas Evans
*Frank William Ernest Gibson
*Alan Kenneth Head
*George Adrian Horridge
*Lawrence Ernest Lyons
*Raymond Leslie Martin
*Gordon Elliott Wall
*Donald Eric Weiss

*Norman Keith Boardman
*Charles Angas Hurst
*Anthony William, Linnane
*Mervyn Silas Paterson
*Arthur Melville Thompson

*Athelstan Laurence Johnson Beckwith
*William Russell Levick
*Alexander Forbes Moodie
*James Patrick Quirk
*Robert Street

*Brian David Outram Anderson
*Andrew Reginald Howard Cole
*David Headley Green
*Paul Ivan Korner
*Alfred James Pittard
*Robert Porter1975
*Marshall Davidson Hatch
*Bruce Godfrey Hyde
*John Oswald Newton
*David Henry Solomon
*Richard Limon Stanton
*Henry Robert Wallace

*Neville Horner Fletcher
*Joseph Mark Gani
*William James Peacock
*Alan Mcleod Sargeson

*Rodney James Baxter
*Christopher Charles Heyde
*Noel Sydney Hush
*Keith Norrish
*George Ernest Rogers
*Hugh Bryan Spencer Womersley

*Leo Michael Clarebrough
*Robert Donald Bruce Fraser
*Allen Kerr
*Phillip Garth Law
*Barry William Ninham
*Charles Barry Osmond
*Stuart Ross Taylor
*Neil Sidney Trudinger

*Robert Vincent Blanden
*William Roderick Blevin
*Robert Woodhouse Crompton
*Derek Ashworth Denton
*Brian Edgar Scourse Gunning
*Bruce William Holloway
*Roger Ian Tanner
*John Stewart Turner

Fellows elected in the 1980s

*Martin Arthur Bennett
*Alec Baillie Costin
*James Waldo Lance
*Garth William Paltridge
*John Stewart Pate
*Derek William Robinson
*Geoffrey Bruce Sharman

*Richard Peirce Brent
*Gavin Brown
*Warren John Ewens
*Kenneth Charles Freeman
*Michael William McElhinny
*James Graham McLeod
*Lawrence Walter Nichol
*Rodney Warren Rickards

*Maxwell Richard Bennett
*Jacob Nissim Israelachvili
*John Francis Lovering
*Angus David McEwan
*Alan Forrest Reid
*Norman Alan Walker
*Wesley Kingston Whitten

*Kenton Stewart Campbell
*Keith David Cole
*Peter Charles Doherty
*David Stuart Letham
*Lewis Norman Mander
*Michael Robert Osborne
*Stephen John Redman
*Leon Simon

*Cyril Angus Appleby
*Ian Roy Cowan
*Hans Charles Freeman
*Thomas William Healy
*Kurt Lambeck
*William Moran
*Donald Charles Morton
*Roger Valentine Short
*Jonathan Stone1985
*Fraser John Bergersen
*Brian Norman Figgis
*Douglas Ian McCloskey
*Eugene Seneta
*Allan Whitenack Snyder
*Elizabeth Marchant Truswell
*Robert Gerard Wake

*Jerry Mckee Adams
*Suzanne Cory
*Robert John Hunter
*Alan Gaius Ramsay McIntosh
*Donald Blair Melrose
*Cecil Hugh Tyndale-Biscoe
*Erich Weigold

*Jan Mary Anderson
*John Philip Chalmers
*Peter Gavin Hall
*Kenneth Gordon McCracken
*Bruce Harold John McKellar
*Donald Harold Napper
*John Douglas Pettigrew
*Bruce Norman Runnegar

*Maxwell Howard Brennan
*Graham Douglas Farquhar
*Brian Manning Johnstone
*Ian McDougall
*Graham Frank Mitchell
*Harry George Poulos
*Leo Radom
*Ernest Oliver Tuck
*Roy Woodall

*Michael Ian Bruce
*Peter Malcolm Colman
*Marcello Costa
*John Barton Furness
*Richard Norman Manchester
*Graeme Pearman
*Raymond John Stalker
*Ross Howard Street

Fellows elected in the 1990s

*Alan Maxwell Bond
*Graeme Barry Cox
*Ross Henry Day
*Martin Andrew Green
*Roger Hamilton James Grimshaw
*Frank Andrew Smith
*Anthony William Thomas

*Adrienne Elizabeth Clarke
*Peter Hannaford
*Bruce Edward Hobbs
*Shirley Winifred Jeffrey
*Ian Reay Mackay
*Stjepan Marcelja
*John William White

*Michael Newton Barber
*Anthony Basten
*John Michael Arthur Chappell
*Robert Leith Dewar
*Robert Henry Frater
*Jeremy David Pickett-Heaps
*Sever Sternhell

*David Vernon Boger
*William Francis Budd
*Anthony Wilks Burgess
*Michael George Cowling
*Ronald David Ekers
*Adrian John Gibbs
*George David Scarcliffe Hirst
*Jörg Imberger
*Leonard Francis Lindoy
*Robert Alexander McIntosh
*Ian Hugh Sloan
*Maxwell John Whitten
*Robyn Williams

*Henry George Burger
*Denis James Evans
*Robert Goulston Gilbert
*Brian Leslie Norman Kennett
*Anthony George Klein
*John B. Moore
*John Passioura
*John Shine
*Anthony James Underwood
*Joseph Tony Wiskich

*David James Burke
*Elizabeth Salisbury Dennis
*Ashley Roger Dunn
*Francis Patrick Larkins
*Arthur James McComb
*David Thomas Pegg
*Mandyam Veerambud Srinivasan
*Colin John Thompson
*John James Veevers1996
*James Alexander Angus
*Jeremy James Burdon
*Edward Norman Dancer
*David M. de Kretser
*Michael Andrew Dopita
*Leslie David Field
*Graeme John Jameson
*Barry Owen Jones
*Kemp, David James
*Oliver Mayo
*Phillip Lyle McFadden
*Nicos Anthony Nicola
*Cheryl Elisabeth Praeger

*Robin Anthony Bedding
*Ian Gordon Dance
*George Dennis Dracoulis
*Graham Clifford Goodwin
*Adrienne Ruth Hardham
*Philip William Kuchel
*Trevor John McDougall
*Brendan Damien McKay
*Elspeth Mary McLachlan
*Rupert Horace Myers
*Marilyn Bernice Renfree
*Colin Edward Sullivan
*Grant Robert Sutherland

*Thomas John Andrews
*Bruce William Chappell
*Graeme Milbourne Clark
*Robert Delbourgo
*David Michael Doddrell
*Simon Charles Gandevia
*John Foxton Ross Kerr
*Gustav Isaac Lehrer
*Thomas John Martin
*Jeremy Richard Mould
*Roger Everett Summons
*Rodney Stuart Tucker
*James Francis Williams

*Andrew John Ward Gleadow
*Jennifer Ann Marshall Graves
*Barry James Marshall
*Colin Louis Masters
*John Alexander McKenzie
*Gerard James Milburn
*Michael Paddon-Row
*Nhan Phan-Thien
*Colin Rogers
*Kenneth Douglas Shortman
*Dimitrie George Stephenson
*Robert Oliver Watts

Fellows elected since 2000

*Bruce Konrad Armstrong
*Adrian John Baddeley
*Robin John Batterham
*Julie Hazel Campbell
*Victor Vilevich Flambaum
*Bruce Ernest Kemp
*Keith Alexander Nugent
*Mark Felton Randolph
*Peter Richard Reeves
*Richard Robson
*Lesley Joy Rogers
*Joseph Frank Sambrook
*Curt Wentrup

*Allan James Canty
*Robert Graham Clark
*Andrew Cockburn
*Max Coltheart
*Alan Frederick Cowman
*Maxwell John Crossley
*Ross William Griffiths
*Patrick George Holt
*Terence Patrick Hughes
*Yiu-wing Mai
*Paul Gerard McCormick
*Ian Mackay Ritchie
*Vicki Rubian Sara
*Sarah Elizabeth Smith
*Terence Paul Speed
*Richard Edward Williamson

*Michael P. Archer
*Murray David Esler
*Robin John Evans
*Christopher Carl Goodnow
*Robert Michael Graham
*Anthony John Guttmann
*John Edward Hutchinson
*John Viggo Jacobsen
*Yuri Kivshar
*Pauline Yvonne Ladiges
*Eugenie Ruth Lumbers
*Suzanne Yvette O'Reilly
*Ezio Rizzardo
*Tamarapu Sridhar
*Fiona Juliet Stanley
*Robert Lyndsay Sutherland

*Perry Francis Bartlett
*Robert William Bilger
*Rossiter Henry Crozier
*Peter David Drummond
*David IanGroves
*Michael John Hynes
*Frederick Arthur Oscar Mendelsohn
*Maria Elzbieta Orlowska
*Joachim Hyam Rubinstein
*Richard Shine
* Andreas Strasser
*Stephen Donald Tyerman
*David Laurence Vaux
*Mark von Itzstein
*Stanley Bruce Wild
*James Stanislaus Williams2004
*Robert Anthony Antonia
*Martin Gerhardt Banwell
*Robert Andrzej Bartnik
*Robert Charles Baxter
*Matthew Malcolm Colless
*David Ian Cook
*Christopher John Easton
*Peter John Forrester
*Ian Hector Frazer
*Paul Raymond Haddad
*Thomas Joseph Higgins
*Douglas James Hilton
*Richard John Hobbs
*Ary Anthony Hoffmann
*Ramamohanarao Kotagiri
*Malcolm Thomas McCulloch
*Nancy Fannie Millis
*John Theodore Ralph
*David Robert Smyth
*Robert Alan Vincent
*Malcolm Ross Walter
*Elvie Marelyn Wintour-Coghlan

*Samuel Frank Berkovic
*Michael Eastwood
*Jeffrey Eliis
*Jorgen Frederiksen
*Franz Grieser
*Ruth Hall
*Mark Harrison
*Richard Hartley
*Robin Holliday
*Stephen Hyde
*Chennupati Jagadish
*Trevor Lamb
*Geoffrey McFadden
*Amnon Neeman
*Hugh Possingham
*John Ralston

*David Grant Allen
*Brian John Boyle
*Mark Alexander Burgmann
*David Stephen Celermajer
*Barry Egan
*Lorenzo Faraone
*David John Hinde
*Andrew Holmes
*Brian Herbert Kay
*Roger Powell
*Stephen Rich Rintoul
*Igor Shparlinski
*Michelle Yvonne Simmons
*Evan Rutherford Simpson
*Jonathan Sprent
*Susanne von Caemmerer
*Robin Warren
*John Zillman

*David Albert Cooper
*Ian William Dawes
*John Joseph Finnigan
*Min Gu
*Richard Paul Harvey
*David John Hill
*John Joseph Hopwood
*Ian Douglas Hume
*David Ernest James
*Peter Andrew Lay
*Douglas Robert MacFarlane
*Rana Ellen Munns
*Stephen James Simpson
*Scott William Sloan
*Gordon George Wallace
*Alan Hepburn Welsh

Corresponding Members

Corresponding members are listed alphabetically with their year of election in parentheses.
*Bertil Anderson (1999)
*Michael Atiyah (1992)
*Jean Bernard (1986)
*Olle E. Bjorkman (1986)
*Elizabeth Blackburn (2007)
*John S. Boyer (2004)
*Rodney A. Brooks (2006)
*Joseph Hurd Connell (2002)
*John Cornforth (1977)
*Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (1996)
*Marc Feldman (2005)
*Daniel Carleton Gajdusek (1993)
*Henry Harris (1983)
*Vaughan Frederick Randal Jones (1992)
*Charles J. Krebs (2002)
*Yongxiang Lu (2005)
*Robert May (1991)
*Gunnar Öquist (2004)
*Ronald Oxburgh (1999)
*Michael James David Powell (2007)
*Peter H. Raven (1990)
*Edwin Ernest Salpeter (1988)
*Frederick Sanger (1982)
*Edward Charles Slater (1985)
*Terence Tao (2006)
*Rolf Martin Zinkernagel (1996)

Deceased Fellows

Election to the AAS is for life, the following former members are all deceased. Deceased Fellows are listed alphabetically with their year of election in parentheses.
*Adrien Albert (1958)
*Albert Ernest Alexander (1960)
*John Robert Anderson (1972)
*John Stuart Anderson (1954)
*Herbert George Andrewartha (1961)
*Roland Stuart Andrews (1957)
*Christopher John Ash (1994)
*Colin Russell Austin (1987)
*Geoffrey Badger (1960)
*Victor Albert Bailey (1955)
*Horace Newton Barber (1958)
*John Adair Barker (1967)
*Eric Stephen Barnes (1954)
*John Philip Baxter (1954)
*Noel Stanley Bayliss (1954)
*Jack Ellerton Becker (1961)
*Arthur John Birch (1954)
*Walter Boas (1954)
*Alexander Boden (1982)
*John Gatenby Bolton (1969, resigned 1980)
*John Robert Booker (1995)
*Edward George Bowen (1957)
*Robert Hanbury Brown (1967)
*William Rowan Browne (1954)
*Lionel Bately Bull (1954)
*Keith Edward Bullen (Foundation Fellow)
*Frank Macfarlane Burnet (Foundation Fellow)
*Stuart Thomas Butler (1969)
*Samuel Warren Carey (1989)
*John Henry Carver (1986)
*Richard Gardiner Casey (1966)
*David Guthrie Catcheside (Foundation Fellow)
*Graeme James Caughley (1992)
*Thomas MacFarland Cherry (Foundation Fellow)
*Wilbur Norman Christiansen (1959)
*Ian Clunies Ross (Foundation Fellow)
*Herbert Cole Coombs (1969)
*Edmund Alfred Cornish (Foundation Fellow)
*Frederick Colin Courtice (1954)
*John Maxwell Cowley (1961)
*Louis Walter Davies (1976)
*Edward Hughesdon Davis (1980)
*Edward Holbrook Derrick (1955)
*Alexander Thomas Dick (1964)
*Colin Malcolm Donald (1968)
*Frank Patrick John Dwyer (1961)
*John Carew Eccles (Foundation Fellow)
*Pehr Victor Edman (1968)
*Clifford Walter Emmens (1956)
*Arnold Hughes Ennor (1954)
*John Edwin Falk (1961)
*James Alexander Forrest (1977)
*Otto Herzberg Frankel (1954)
*Harold James Frith (1975)
*Peter William Gage (1977)
*Ronald Gordon Giovanelli (1962)
*Martin Fritz Glaessner (1957)
*Alfred Gottschalk (1954)
*Herbert Sydney Green (1954)
*Anton Linder Hales (1976)
*Berthold Halpern (1978)
*Dan Haneman (1990)
*Edward James Hannan (1970)
*William Hayes (1976)
*Dorothy Hill (1956)
*Edwin Sherbon Hills (Foundation Fellow)
*Arthur Robert Hogg (1954)
*Leonard George Holden Huxley (Foundation Fellow)
*Andrew Crowther Hurley (1972)
*John Conrad Jaeger (1954)
*Lawrence Alexander Sidney Johnson (1986)
*Denis Oswald Jordan (1970)
*Gregory Maxwell Kelly (1972)
*Kenneth Hedley Lewis Key (1959)
*Edgar Samuel John King (1954)
*Robert Bruce Knox (1989)
*Douglas Geoffrey Lampard (1977)
*Henry Oliver Lancaster (1961)
*Raymond James Wood Le Fèvre (Foundation Fellow)
*Max Rudolf Lemberg (Foundation Fellow)
*Essington Lewis (1954)
*Alexander Killen Macbeth (1955)
*Walter Victor Macfarlane (1972)
*Ian Ellery McCarthy (1982)
*Ian Murray Mackerras (1954)
*Archibald K. McIntyre (1963)
*Ian Munro McLennan (1980)
*John Percival Vissing Madsen (1954)
*Kurt Mahler (1965)
*John Joseph Mahony(1974)
*Richard Freeman Mark (1974)
*Hedley Ralph Marston (Foundation Fellow)
*Leslie Harold Martin (Foundation Fellow)
*David Forbes Martyn (Foundation Fellow)
*Edward Norman Maslen (1995)
*Maurice Alan Edgar Mawby (1969)
*Douglas Mawson (Foundation Fellow)
*Robert Gordon Menzies (1958)
*James Henry Michael (1973)
*Harry Clive Minnett (1976)
*Patrick Alfred Pierce Moran (1962)
*Bede Morris (1969)
*Robert Kerford Morton (1957)
*Patrick Desmond Fitzgerald Murray (1954)
*Kenneth Baillieu Myer (1992)
*Bernhard Hermann Neumann (1964)
*Hanna Neumann (1969)
*Alexander John Nicholson (Foundation Fellow)
*Alexander George Ogston (1962)
*Mark Oliphant (Foundation Fellow)
*Geoffrey Ivan Opat (1994)
*Armin Alexander Öpik (1962)
*Alan James Parker (1979)
*Joseph Lade Pawsey (Foundation Fellow)
*Anthony Edward Perry (1985)
*John Robert Philip (1967)
*Jack Hobart Piddington (1963)
*Edwin James George Pitman (1954)
*Michael George Pitman (1981)
*Ian William Potter (1978)
*Renfrey Burnard Potts (1975)
*James Arthur Prescott (Foundation Fellow)
*James Robert Price (1959)
*Charles Henry Brian Priestley (1954)
*Harold George Raggatt (1954)
*Albert Lloyd George Rees (1954)
*James Meadows Rendel (1960)
*Roger Wolcott Richardson (1990)
*Alfred Edward Ringwood (1966)
*Ernest Ritchie (1963)
*Albert Cherbury David Rivett (Foundation Fellow)
*Rutherford Ness Robertson (1954)
*Brian John Robinson (1974)
*William Sydney Robinson (1954)
*Jack William Roderick (1954)
*William Percy Rogers (1954)
*Thomas Gerald Room (Foundation Fellow)
*Ian Gordon Ross (1973)
*John Versey Sanders (1980)
*Charles William Shoppee (1958)
*Wilfred John Simmonds (1982)
*Spencer Smith-White (1962)
*Frank Leslie Stillwell (1954)
*Sydney Sunderland (Foundation Fellow)
*Keith Leonard Sutherland (1959)
*William Christopher Swinbank (1970)
*Robert Henry Symons (1983)
*George Szekeres (1963)
*Thomas Griffith Taylor (1954)
*David Evan Thomas (1963)
*Geoffrey Donald Thorburn (1991)
*Ian Walter Boothroyd Thornton (1995)
*Oscar Werner Tiegs (Foundation Fellow)
*Ernest William Titterton (1954)
*Victor Martin Trikojus (1954)
*Arthur William Turner (1954)
*John Stuart Turner (1956)
*Richard van der Riet Woolley (Foundation Fellow)
*Eric John Underwood (1954)
*Alan Walsh (1958)
*Robert John Walsh (1959)
*Alan B. Wardrop (1976)
*Horace Waring (1954)
*Ian William Wark (1954)
*Douglas Frew Waterhouse (1954)
*Walter Lawry Waterhouse (1954)
*Irvine Armstrong Watson (1975)
*Charles Norman Watson-Munro (1968)
*Ronald Harry Wharton (1973)
*Robert Ford Whelan (1966)
*Frederick William George White (1960)
*Michael James Denham White (1955)
*William Thomas Williams (1978)
*William Henry Wittrick (1958)
*Joseph Garnett Wood (1954)
*Ann Janet Woolcock (1992)
*Howard Knox Worner (1973)
*John Atherton Young (1986)
*David Zeidler (1985)


*Australian Academy of Science. [ Fellows]
*Australian Academy of Science. [ Deceased Fellows]

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