- Saurauia
image_width = 225px
image_caption = "Saurauia madrensis"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Ericales
familia =Actinidiaceae
genus = "Saurauia"
genus_authority =Willd. , 1801"Saurauia"
Willd. is a genus ofplant in theActinidiaceae family. It is comprised of about 250 species distributed in the tropics and subtropics ofAsia , and South and Central America.He et al. "The cytology of "Actinidia", "Saurauia", and "Clematoclethra"(Actinidiaceae)" "Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society" 2005, Vol. 147, p. 369-374] Genetic evidence and the cell biology of the group supportmonophyly of the genus. Monophyly of the genus is also supported by micromorphological characters of the group and by phylogenetic analysis, although the exact evolutionary relationships of this genus with the other two genera of theActinidiaceae , the "Actinidia " and the "Clematoclethra ", are not well understood. [He et al. "Phylogenetic relationships of "Actiinidia" and related genera based on micromorphological characters of foliar trichomes" "Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution" Vol. 47: p.627-639, 2000.]The floral characteristics of the "Saurauia" are similar to the other members of the
Actinidiaceae . The main floral differences between the "Saurauia" and the other members of theActinidiaceae are that members of the "Saurauia" have 3-5 carpels while other members of theActinidiaceae have either 3-30 or more in the "Actinidia " or 4-5 in the "Clematoclethra ". [Keller et al. "Fossil Flowers and Fruits of the Actinidiaceae from the Campanian (Late Cretaceous) of Georgia" "American Journal of Botany" Vol. 83, No. 4. (1996) pp. 528-541] Also, "Saurauia" is the only genus in theActinidiaceae whose members can bemonoecious or functionallydioecious . It is also the only extant genus within theActinidiaceae whose natural distribution includes areas outside of Asia (tropical South and Central America).Species include:
* "Saurauia adenodonta ", Sleumer
* "Saurauia aequatoriensis ", Sprague
* "Saurauia aguaricana ", Soejarto
* "Saurauia alvaroi" R.E. Schult. (synonym of "Saurauia aromatica" R.E. Schult.)
* "Saurauia angustifolia"Turcz.
* "Saurauia anisopoda"Turcz. (synonym of "Saurauia angustifolia" Turcz.)
* "Saurauia anolaimensis" R.E. Schult. & García-Barr. (synonym of "Saurauia isoxanthotricha" Buscal.)
* "Saurauia arnoldii" Sleumer
* "Saurauia aromatica" R.E. Schult.
* "Saurauia aspera" Turcz.
* "Saurauia bogoriensis " R.D. Hoogland
* "Saurauia bracteosa ", DC.
* "Saurauia cauliflora ", DC.
* "Saurauia crassisepala ", Soejarto
* "Saurauia erythrocarpa ", C.F.Liang & Y.S.Wang
* "Saurauia harlingii ", Soejarto
* "Saurauia herthae ", Sleumer
* "Saurauia isoxanthotricha" Buscal.
* "Saurauia lanceolata ", Ruiz & Pav.
* "Saurauia latipetala ", Hemsley
* "Saurauia laxiflora ", Soejarto
* "Saurauia lehmannii ", Hieron.
* "Saurauia leucocarpa ",Schlecht.
* "Saurauia madrensis" B.T. Keller & Breedlove
* "Saurauia magnifica ", Soejarto
* "Saurauia mahmudii ", R.D. Hoogland
* "Saurauia malayana ", Hoogl.
* "Saurauia mexiae ", Killip ex Soejarto
* "Saurauia microphylla ", Linden ex Lindl. & Paxton
* "Saurauia montana ",Seem.
* "Saurauia oreophila ", Hemsley
* "Saurauia pentapetala ", (Jack) R.D.Hoogland
* "Saurauia pseudostrigillosa ", Buscal.
* "Saurauia punduana ", Wall.
* "Saurauia pustulata ", G. Hunter
* "Saurauia rubens ", Ridley
* "Saurauia rubrisepala ", Soejarto
* "Saurauia scabrida ", Hemsley
* "Saurauia schultzeorum ", Sleumer
* "Saurauia seibertii ", Standley
* "Saurauia serrata ", DC.
* "Saurauia striata ", Soejarto
* "Saurauia tambensis ", Killip
* "Saurauia villosa ", DC.References
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