Paul Philibert

Paul Philibert

Paul Philibert was a politician was Quebec, Canada. He served as a Member of the National Assembly (MNA) from 1985 to 1994. [ [ Paul Philibert, Assemblée nationale du Québec] ]


He was born on September 10, 1944 in Saint-Élie, Mauricie.

Political career

He ran as a Liberal candidate in the district of Trois-Rivières in 1981, but lost against PQ incumbent Denis Vaugeois.

After Vaugeois resigned in 1985, Philibert won a by-election in the same district. He was re-elected six months later against newly appointed Cabinet Member Rollande Cloutier and was re-elected in 1989. He served as a Parliamentary Assistant from 1985 until the 1994 election in which he was defeated by PQ candidate Guy Julien.


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