Jacqueline Pang

Jacqueline Pang

Infobox Person
name = Jacqueline Pang Ching

caption =
birth_date = birth date and age|1974|08|27
birth_place = Hong Kong
death_date =
death_place =
other_names =
known_for =
occupation = Radio Host & TV Compere

Jacqueline Pang (nickname - Pang Ching) Traditional Chinese - 彭晴 (born August 27, 1974) is a popular Hong Kong Radio Announcer, Interviewer, LIVE TV Compere/Host and an Author.

Jacqueline 'Pang Ching' [http://www.rthk.org.hk/channel/radio2/r2/r2_88_profile.htm] is a popular Radio Programme Co-host on the Government Public Broadcaster - Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) Radio 2 Channel, FM 94.8 MHz-96.9 MHz, on Saturdays 1200-1400 'Chinese Top 20 Pop Chart'(link below). She recently left her Weekday show, the 0630-1000 'Morning Suite' which she Co-hosted since 2004. Starting March 2008, JacquelinePang Chingis the Senior Anchor for PCCW's 'NOW!News' Morning Programme on Channel 332.

Jacqueline Pang's Book About 7 Gay/Lesbian TRUE Love Stories is "Yi Zhong Ai Qi Duan Qing" '一種愛 七段情'. Literally translated as 'One Kind of Love but Seven Situations', is a short, narrative style of writing. It was released on 18th July 2007 at the Annual Hong Kong Book Fair.


Jacqueline Pang Ka-Manwas nicknamed by RTHKs Luke Tsang [http://www.hkedcity.net/article/sbe3/patrons-TsangChiWah/] , now well known asPang Ching彭晴. Very dedicated to her career, Jacqueline Pang is a popular Radio Announcer, DJ and TV Host in Hong Kong. Jacqueline is fluent in 3 languages, English, Cantonese, Putonghua, and a bit of French, too. Jacqueline has a uniquely large voice, captivating laugh and an unfailing memory. Born on 27th August 1974 in Hong Kong to Fujian-ese parents of Vietnamese origin, she was educated in Toronto, Canada, where her parents now reside. She has one younger sister. Jacqueline Pang worked for a very brief time as an Airline Hostess before embarking on a career in Hong Kong Broadcasting.

Slim, attractive & petite at 55”, Announcer, MC & DJ JacquelinePang Chingis a hot favorite with local and overseas (Internet Radio [http://www.rthk.org.hk/] ) Asian listeners of Radio Television Hong Kong RTHK, the free-to-air Government Public Broadcaster, with no small following of ardent fans. All through her broadcasting career, she has interviewed countless Movie Stars, Pop Singers and significant Businessmen, Doctors, Lawyers, Psychologists, from all walks of life for the benefit of her listeners. Very knowledgeable in the latest Cantopop, she is just as conversant in the latest Jazz Music. Right after she joined RTHK (in 1998), having a brief background as DJ in Toronto, Jacqueline Pang trained further at RTHK's [http://www.rthk.org.hk/channel/radio2/] Cantonese Channel and became a very popular DJ. With her unique, vivacious, no-nonsense personality and lightning-quick presence of mind with segways, she gained respect and was accepted into the entertainment circle very easily. From May 2004, Jacqueline Pang switched from an all-night Music Programme 'Late Mother, Late Father' to Co-host (with 3 others) the leading 0600-1000 Weekday Radio ProgrammeMorning Suite’, and the Saturday 1200-1400 'Cantonese Top 20 Pop Chart'(link below). Besides being a Very Animated Host and MC for Live Stage and TV Shows, Special Events [http://www.hkolympic.org/article/articles_archive_view/430] , Jacqueline also is MC to High-Society Private Parties (Link to TMA Annual Ball) [http://www.tma.org.hk/en_newsevents_n1.asp?Back=T&newsId=52] , and New Product Announcements for 'Yili' [http://www.primehk.com/news/issue25/en/mp06a_en.html] and 'Rejoice' [http://www.primehk.com/news/issue22/en/mp04a_en.html] . Jacqueline also lectures on Public Speaking at the HK Productivity Council [http://hk.88db.com/hk/Services/Post_Detail.page/performing_art/mc_personnel/?PostID=650450] and makes appearances at the Master-of-Ceremony Competitions.

Earlier in her Broadcasting Career, Jacqueline Pang was asked by Director Alan K.K. Yip to sing (in Cantonese) the Theme Song for a Korean Drama (which was broadcast on Cable TV). The Theme Song named "錯落的深情" or "A Wrongly Secured Love" rose to hit the No.12 spot and stayed for 3 weeks on the Cantonese Golden Songs Pop Chart in March of 2003.

In 2003, Jacqueline Pang married a businessman. She divorced him in 2006. She has one son. Since then, with a mind now focused completely on her career, she keeps active in sports like Running, Swimming and Golf when not Broadcasting or giving lessons [http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-TW&u=http://www.choosy.com.hk/develop/workshop/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=4&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2B%25E5%25BD%25AD%25E6%2599%25B4%2B%26start%3D100%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN] in Public Speaking. She is extremely careful about money, has a strict business-conscious attitude and very high ambitions, and she shows a strong character behind her cheery appearance. Her Personal Slogan has always been "Work Hard, Play Hard".

Jacqueline Pang was mostly noted for her Hosting of the popular annual Hong Kong Environmental Program, “The Solar Project” [http://www.rthk.org.hk/press/chi/20060626_66_121018.html] , a RTHK combined LIVE Radio-and-TV stage production since 2001. Her last (7th Solar Project 2007) 'Let's Go' Concert by RTHK was held in Hong Kong in conjunction with TVB. [http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/solarproject2007letsgoconcert/20070902.html] However, the "previous" (6th) 'Hand In Hand' Solar Project 2006 took place in Xi'an, China, where Jacqueline Pang Ching displayed her fluency in Putonghua as Co-host. From October 2007 (until February 2008) Jacqueline Pang Ching was asked by PCCW's Now TV Broadband 'NOW! News' Channel 332 to Co-host in a weekday, thrice daily, 3-minute Video News Roundup 'Witty Banter'. [] .Since March 2008, Jacqueline Pang has been retained as the Senior Anchor person on Channel 332's 0930-1230 Morning News Program.

Jacqueline Pang is also in demand for Voice Casting. Because of her unique and clear diction in her Cantonese, recent VCDs and DVDs finds her doing Voice-over dubbing/recording for Western Videos. [http://us.yesasia.com/en/Browse/Artist.aspx/section-videos/code-w/version-all/aid-1608388/] . One such dubbed Video is "Quo Vadis" [http://www.media.org.hk/QuoVadis/]


March 1998 - Jacqueline Pang joined Radio Television Hong Kong's Radio 2's FM Channel to Co-host an 00:00-0200 night Music Programme after 6 months training.

29th January 2001 - Jacqueline Pang Co-compered the 'Lunar new Year of the Snake' celebration for RTHK. [http://www.rthk.org.hk/homepage/press/english/20010129.htm]

18th February 2001Of 12 new TV Programmes launched by RTHK, the popular ETV segmentEducation News” [http://www.rthk.org.hk/press/english/20010216.htm] was mainly Hosted by Jacqueline Pang, and also Kelly Ho Ka-Lai [http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/healthy/en/healthy2.php] , High School Teacher and HKs Medallist in Fencing (Commonwealth Championships, 1994). They were both very adept News Anchors for the popular TV Programme.

18th January 2002 - Co-hosted the 24th Top 10 Chinese Gold Songs Award Presentation Concert. [http://www.rthk.org.hk/press/eng/20020118_67_11060.html]

21st April 2002Co-compered the 21st Hong Kong Film Awards, live at the Hong Kong Coliseum. (External link below)

26th September 2002 - Jacqueline Pang, Co-host of the highly-watchedInter-School Quiz” [http://www.rthk.org.hk/press/eng/20020926_67_43767.html] for Primary and Secondary Students on RTHKs Educational Television productions.

1st May 2004 - Jacqueline Pang joined Radio 2 FM's 'Morning Suite' Programme (0600-1000) as Co-Host.

2nd July 2004Jacqueline Pang was invited to Attend Hong Kong Tramways100th Year live Celebration-on-a-Tram. [http://www.hktramways.com/en/company/press_040702.html]

26th December 2004Jacqueline Pang Ching and her friends were spared from the effects of the destructive Asian Tsunami while holidaying at Patong Beach Hotel [http://www.phuket.as/phototour_tsunamiaftermath.php] . It was very fortunate that the hotel is located a half-hour drive from the disaster area, in a protected area.

23rd January 2006 - Jacqueline Pang Co-hosted at the LIVE RTHK 28th Annual Top 10 Chinese Golden Songs Awards Ceremony. [http://www.rthk.org.hk/press/eng/20060123_67_120793.html]

4th April 2006 - Co-host of the First Televised Inter-School Financial Quiz in Country History [http://www.citibank.com.hk/global_docs/financial_edu_home_eng/pdf/ctb_press_release_e_20060401.pdf] for RTHK, Hong Kongs Educational Television.

13th June 2006 - Co-hosted in Putonghua the 6th Solar Project 'Hand In Hand' in Xi'an, China. (Link above)

9th July 2006 - Jacqueline Pang compered the very first Press Show for the Hong Kong Performers Association.

12th January 2007 - Jacqueline Pang Ching was arrested (together with several other more prominent RTHK DJs [http://hk-imail.singtao.com/news_detail.asp?we_cat=4&art_id=52074&sid=15090136&con_type=1&d_str=20070825&fc=10] ) by HK's Independent Commission against Corruption for purportedly being involved in a fraud involving Reimbursement of tens of thousands of dollars between 2002-2003. Link in Chinese: [http://www.web4share.com/archiver/?tid-146904.html] . Jacqueline was immediately released on bail, allowing her to return to her hosting at RTHK's daily 0600 'Morning Suite' Program. Related rumours are that, unlike Permanent Government Staff on a similar level, Contributing staff under RTHK "Contract" Terms were not eligible to claim any Reimbursement for actual daily expenses relating to before-dawn taxi fares, script writing, and bulk newspaper purchases for up-to-date research material for RTHK programs. Like other Contract staff already convicted [http://sc.icac.org.hk/gb/www.icac.org.hk/search/servlet/SearchServlet?col=1&query=RTHK%20dj&xsl=icac_en.xsl] of taking advantage of this management loophole, Jacqueline Pang was suspected of complying to her supervisor's methods of using a relative's bank account for these reimbursements, an illegality as the actual account holder did not actually perform these services. This case has been pending court decision since 2007, as the ICAC has "yet to offer any further evidence to support" these particular accusations.

11th February 2007 – "Produced" and Co-hosted for RTHK Radio 2 the LIVE Radio PerformanceFire Prevention - In Action” – in Wanchais Southern Playground with The Wanchai District Fire Services.

13th March 2007Jacqueline Pang Co-compered the annual International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) Hong Kong Groups 40th Anniversary Live Concert at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium. It was broadcast on 25th March 2007. [http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/ifpiaward2006/20070325.html]

25th March 2007 - Jacqueline Pang Co-hosted the 18th Hong Kong Television Appreciation Index Awards (TVAI) in which RTHK obtained the highest average of 72.1, (Cable TV - 68.67, TVB - 68.36, ATV - 67.56). The figures were independently polled by The Hong Kong University and contributed by Prof. Robert Chung Ting Yiu [http://hkupop.hku.hk/ecard07/ecard07_big12.jpg] of the Public Opinion Programme. The Video link: [http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/aispecial2007/20070325.html]

14th June 2007 - Jacqueline Pang was a very lively MC on World Blood Donor Day for the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service. The theme was "Safe Blood for Safe Motherhood" [http://www5.ha.org.hk/rcbts/doc/e_neg_newsletter018.pdf] .

30th June 2007 - Jacqueline Pang, Co-host in RTHK'sDragon Jamboreeperformed at the Hong Kong Coliseum. This item was a very distinctive entry for the 2006 Guinness Book of Records as "The Largest Drum Ensemble" playing in unison! More than 10,000 young players from Hongkong, Macau and China participated. [http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-05/27/content_881113.htm] The video link (in Cantonese): [http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/dragonjamboree/20070630.html]

14th July 2007 - Jacqueline Pang Authored her first Paperback, a narrative of unique and TRUE stories called7 Gay/Lesbian Love Storiesreleased on 18th July 2007 at the 2007 Hong Kong Book Fair. Here is a link to her Radio interview on 'We Are Family'(in Cantonese): [http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/radio2/wearefamily/20070714.html] or, to the outline of her book: [http://us.yesasia.com/en/Reviews/ProReview.aspx?section=books&code=c&version=all&pid=1004933431&]

2nd September 2007 - Jacqueline Pang Co-hosted the 7th Solar Project in Hong Kong live on RTHK and TVB (Link above).

25th October 2007Jacqueline Pang Acted and Sang as a Dove on the Ark of the Stage PlayAn Ark Sparks In The Darkat the Baptist A.C. Hall in Kowloon. This was unique as it was the largest 200-plus-performer Cantonese Stage Musical produced by The Media Evangelism Limited In Hong Kong. [http://www.media.org.hk/musical/]

17th December 2007 - Jacqueline Pang Co-compered at the Press Conference about the up-coming 'Countdown to 2008' Programme together with China Beijing TV at Hong Kong's Times Square. Here is the Press Release link (seek the Dec.2007 item [http://gbcode.rthk.org.hk/han3/2/1/1/0/0/0/0/www.rthk.org.hk/press/eng/20071217_67_121681.html] .

31st December 2007 - Jacqueline Pang Ching Co-compered with RTHK DJ Alex Lee the 'Countdown to Zero Hour' to welcome in the 2008 New Year with HK's Most Popular Singers and Olympic Stars at Hong Kong's own Times Square with the Beijing and Hongkong Slogan "One World, One Dream" (Programme name in Traditional Chinese - 2008 ) for the 2008 Olympics to the biggest and most responsive live street audience of more than ten thousand. This Production was seen and heard by millions more because it was Broadcast Live on Streaming Video and Audio, as well as Live FM Radio and Live Television by RTHK in co-operation with Cable TV Hong Kong, counting down simultaneously with China Beijing TV's Live Broadcast. This Transmission was specially organised with Beijing to promote collaboration, support and mutual co-operation with Beijing for the approaching Olympics 2008 in China. Following is the link to the Archived Radio Broadcast (in Cantonese): [http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/radio2/countdown2008/20071231.html] .

13th January 2008 - Jacqueline Pang Co-compered the Noon Broadcast of the First Segment(of two) of The 30th Anniversary of the 'Top 10 Chinese Gold Songs Award' Presentation LIVE on RTHK's FM Radio 2 and Internet Webcast, the Video simultaneously recorded by RTHK. The Video of this Production was broadcast on Saturday, 12th January on TVB's Jade Channel.

19th January 2008 - Jacqueline Pang Co-compered the Second Segment of The 30th Anniversary of the 'Top 10 Chinese Gold Songs Awards' Presentation [http://www.rthk.org.hk/special/goldsong2007/] in a Gala evening at the Hong Kong Coliseum . This RTHK Programme was a joint production with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Once again, this was a Triple-media LIVE Broadcast over RTHK Radio 2 FM, Internet Webcast and TVB's Jade Channel. See the Press Release link(of Jan.2008): [http://gbcode.rthk.org.hk/gb/www.rthk.org.hk/press/eng/20080119_67_121730.html] . Markedly special was that this was the first time an RTHK Programme was Broadcast by Television Broadcasts Limited aka TVB in BOTH Standard Definition (SDTV) and the new High Definition Digital Terrestrial Television which was established in late 2007 as the Future Standard for HDTV Transmission in Hong Kong.

29th February 2008 - Jacqueline Pang confirmed, in a live interview, during the final hour of (the four-hour 0600-1000) Cantonese-language 'Morning Suite' that she was leaving the long-running RTHK Programme. [http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/radio2/morningsuite/20080229.html] . Since 2004, Jacqueline "Pang Ching" has been entertaining early-morning listeners of Radio Television Hong Kong as a Presenter and DJ/Host on this popular 'Morning Suite' programme led by RTHK's Veteran Broadcaster Luke Tsang Chi-wah on FM Radio 2 Channel, along with Cusson Law, and C.P. Ching.Although Jacqueline 'Pang Ching' has a challenging future as a Television Presenter/Host on a local pay TV Channel, she will still be heard Co-hosting on RTHK's 'Chinese Top 20 Pop Chart' [http://gbcode.rthk.org.hk/gb/www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/program_archive.cgi?progdir=radio2/chinesepopchart&event_name=%E4%B8%AD+%E6%96%87+%E6%AD%8C+%E6%9B%B2+%E9%BE%8D+%E8%99%8E+%E6%A6%9C+%0A] with K. F. Chow on Radio 2 every Saturday at 1200-1400.

17th March 2008 - Jacqueline 'Pang Ching' Co-hosts the 0930-1230 Weekday Morning Segments "China Affairs" and "News From Every Angle" on the 'NOW!News' TV Channel 332. Her first week on the Channel coincided with the Meeting of International Press and China's newly Re-elected Premier in The Great Hall Of The People (18th March '08) where Jacqueline Pang interpreted (from Putonghua to Cantonese) on local 'NOW!News' LIVE Television Broadcast the Chinese Premier's replies to the Opening Questions from Reporters. She is presently the Senior Anchorwoman [http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&u=http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/nowtv-anchor/index%3Fl%3Df%26id%3D8&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522Jacqueline%2BPang%2522%26start%3D70%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4GGIH_enHK259HK259%26sa%3DN] .

25th May 2008JacquelinePang ChingCompered a Live open-air afternoon Function for the benefit of Victims of Chinas May 12th Sichuan Earthquake at Hong Kongs Times Square [http://www.hong-kong-travel.org/TimesSquare.asp] . Children from several Primary schools and Kindergartens dressed in a variety of colorful Ethnic Costumes sang the songs "I love China" & "Commitment" while money was collected for Earthquake Relief. In attendance were Vice Chairman Ms. Elsie Leung (JP) of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee and the NPC Standing Committee , the Hong Kong Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs Mrs. Carrie Yau, Mr. Yu-Chun, Chairman of the CPPCC National Standing Committee of the Hong Kong-Guangdong Community Organizations and the Liaison Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Officials from other departments.

1st June 2008 - Jacqueline Pang joined together with other Hong Kong Pop, Radio and TV Stars and performing artists on stage, singing live before an audience of thousands for the 12th May (2008)Earthquake Victims in China, at the "Artistes512" Relief Fund-Raising Ceremony [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Wc9v3zD4g] in Hong Kong. The Ceremony was broadcast on TVB's pay-TV channel 2.

1st October 2008 - Jacqueline Pang was invited to Co-host on Morning Suite (06:30-10:00) in the absence of Alyson Hau. [http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/radio2/morningsuite/20081001.html]

External links

* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21st_Hong_Kong_Film_Awards 21st Hong Kong Film Awards link]
* [http://www.citigroup.com/citigroup/press/2006/060516d.htm Press Release 2006]
* [http://www.rthk.org.hk/channel/radio2/r2/r2_88_profile.htm Jacqueline Pang's Official Webpage on RTHK's site]
* [http://paper.wenweipo.com/2006/12/16/FC0612160001.htm Jacqueline in a Biographical article from a popular HK Chinese Newspaper]
* [http://www.shkpbookclub.com/zh-hk/tips/interest_stories/article_030.htm Jacqueline Pang's Chinese Biography in a Free Chinese Newspaper]
* [http://www.hkedcity.net/library/book/content.phtml?isbn=9628806831&page=24 Jacqueline Pang Chinese Bio "My Wonderful World" (Pg. 24-30 of the Book-section only) by a Popular Chinese Writer]
* [http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/radio2/chinesepopchart/20080927.html Jacqueline Pang's Latest Solo Contribution to the RTHK Airwaves: weekly "Cantonese Top 20 Pop Chart"]

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