James Goll

James Goll

James W. Goll formerly known as Jim Goll, is a Christian faith healer, minister, and author. He is the cofounder of [http://www.encountersnetwork.com Encounters Network] . He is involved as an instructor at the [http://wli.lyntonweb.com/Home/tabid/2763/Default.aspx Wagner Leadership Institute] and is a member of the [http://www.harvestim.org/index.php?a=about&s=leadership&ss=apostolic-team Harvest International Ministries apostolic team] .

Goll is the author of numerous books including [http://www.amazon.com/dp/1560436972 The Lost Art of Intercession] , [http://www.amazon.com/dp/0800792688 Kneeling on the Promises] and [http://www.amazon.com/dp/0768421039 Wasted on Jesus] . Most recently he authored the books Intercession: The Power and Passion to Shape History, [http://www.amazon.com/dp/0830734503 The Beginner's Guide to Hearing God] and [http://www.amazon.com/dp/0768422329 The Seer] . He has also produced 14 Study Guides and hundreds of teaching tapes and CDs. Goll is also a contributing writer to [http://www.kairos.org/ Kairos Magazine] and several other periodicals.

In July 2006, Goll was featured with personal friend and Ministry Affiliate, Sandy Powell, in a cover story by P.J. Tobias entitled [http://www.nashvillescene.com/Stories/Cover_Story/2006/07/06/Prophets_Rising/index.shtml "Prophets Rising"] of the popular publication [http://www.nashvillescene.com Nashville Scene] .

Goll earned his Doctorate in Practical Ministry from the Wagner Leadership Institute in Colorado Springs, CO. It was awarded by the Chancellor C. Peter Wagner at a special ceremony in May 2006.

James and Michal Ann have been married since 1976 and have four children: Justin, GraceAnn, Tyler, and Rachel. The family lives in Franklin, Tennessee.

See also

*Apostolic-Prophetic Movement
*Fivefold ministry
*Faith healing
*International House of Prayer


Further reading

1. [http://www.harvestim.org/index.php?a=about&s=leadership&ss=him-apostles Harvest International]
2. [http://www.kairos.org/editors/default.htm#goll Kairos Magazine]
3. [http://www.wagnerleadership.org/WhatisWLI/Faculty/tabid/2811/Default.aspx Wagner Leadership Institute]
4. [http://www.extremeprophetic.com/archivesitem.php?art=13&c=0&id=11&style= Extreme Prophetic]
5. Tobia, P.J. [http://www.nashvillescene.com/Stories/Cover_Story/2006/07/06/Prophets_Rising/index.shtml "Prophets Rising"] . Nashville Scene, Nashville: 2006.

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