- Giancarlo Gentilini
Giancarlo Gentilini (
August 3 ,1929 ) is the current Deputy Mayor, and former Mayor, of the city ofTreviso ,Italy .Career
Gentilini has been mayor of Treviso for two consecutive administrations, from 1994 to 1998 and 1998 to 2003, with the party of the Lega Nord Liga Veneta. In 2003, Paolo Gobbo was elected mayor; Gentilini became deputy mayor, as current legislation prevents mayors from serving more than two consecutive terms. However, it is clear that Gentilini's support was decisive in the victory of Gobbo. Gentilini is a lawyer.
Anti-LGBT controversy
In August 2007, as a result of meetings between homosexuals that was particularly widespread near the Treviso hospital, Gentilini made a number of statements, including wanting to give "...city policemen the right to carry out ethnic cleansing against the faggots...here in Treviso, faggots and things like that don't have a chance." After strong criticism, he then stated: "I've got nothing against gays, lesbians and prostitutes. Everyone is the master of his or her own body. But I'm not going to put up with these amorous exhibitions in the province of Treviso. Ethnic cleansing means tabula rasa."
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