- Icelandic passport
Icelandic Passports are issued to citizens of
Iceland for the purpose of international travel.Physical Appearance
Icelandic passports are blue, with the Icelandic Coat of arms emblazoned in the center of the front cover. The words "ÍSLAND" (Icelandic), "ICELAND" (English) and "ISLANDE" (French) are inscribed above the coat of arms and the words "VEGABRÉF" (Icelandic), "PASSPORT" (English) and "PASSEPORT" (French) are inscribed below the coat of arms. Icelandic passports have the standard biometric symbol at the bottom.
Identity Information Page
The Icelandic Passport includes the following data:
* Photo of Passport Holder
* Type (PA)
* Code (ISL)
* Passport No.
* Surname
* Given Names
* Nationality
* Height
* Date of Birth
* Personal code No.
* Sex
* Place of Birth
* Date of Issue
* Date of Expiry
* AuthorityThe information page ends with the Machine Readable Zone.
The data page/information page is printed in Icelandic, English and French.
Visa-free Travel
According to a study done by Henley & Partners, Iceland has a Henley Visa Restrictions Index of 120, which means that Icelandic citizens enjoy visa-free access to 120 countries and territories for short-term tourism visits. Iceland is ranked 9th in the study in terms of international travel freedom.
*BWA 90 days
*CPV (visa issued on arrival)
*COM (visa issued on arrival)
*DJI 1 month (visa issued on arrival)
*EGY 1 month (visa issued on arrival)
*GMB 90 days
*KEN 3 months (visa issued on arrival)
*LSO 14 days
*MDG 90 days (visa issued on arrival)
*MWI 90 days
*MUS 6 months
*MYT 90 days
*MAR 90 days
*MOZ 30 days (visa issued on arrival)
*NAM 3 months
*REU 90 days
*SYC 1 month
*ZAF 90 days
*SWZ 2 months
*TZA 3 months (visa issued on arrival)
*TGO 7 days (visa issued on arrival)
*TUN 3 months
*UGA 3 months (visa issued on arrival)
*ZMB 3 months (visa issued on arrival)
*ZWE 3 months (visa issued on arrival)Americas
*ARG 90 days
*ABW 90 days
*BHS 8 months
*BRB 6 months
*BLZ 1 month
*BOL 90 days
*BRA 90 days
*CAN 6 months [ [http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas.asp Citizenship and Immigration Canada] ]
*CHL 90 days
*COL 90 days
*CRI 90 days
*DMA 21 days
*DOM 30 days (a US$10 tourist card is needed)
*ECU 90 days
*SLV 3 months
*FLK 30 days
*GUF 90 days
*GRL 90 days
*GRD 3 months
*GLP 90 days
*GTM 3 months
*HTI 3 months
*HND 3 months
*JAM 90 days
*MTQ 90 days
*MEX 180 days
*ANT 90 days
*NIC 3 months
*PAN 90 days
*PRY 90 days
*PER 90 days
*PRI 90 days
*KNA 3 months
*LCA 28 days
*SPM 90 days
*VIN 1 month
*TTO 30 days
*TCA 30 days
*USA 90 days
*URY 3 months
*VEN 90 days
*VIR 90 daysAsia
*BHR 14 days (visa issued on arrival)
*BGD 15 days (visa issued on arrival)
*BRN 30 days
*KHM 30 days (visa issued on arrival)
*HKG 90 days
*IDN 30 days (visa issued on arrival)
*IRQ (only Kurdistan region)
*ISR 3 months
*JPN 90 days
*JOR 1 month (visa issued on arrival)
*KOR 90 days
*KWT 3 months (visa issued on arrival)
*KGZ 1 months (visa issued on arrival)
*LAO 15 days (visa issued on arrival)
*LBN 1 month
*MAC 90 days
*MYS 3 months
*MDV 30 days
*MNG (visa issued on arrival)
*NPL 60 days (visa issued on arrival)
*OMN 1 month (visa issued on arrival)
*PHL 21 days
*QAT 21 days (visa issued on arrival)
*SGP 30 days
*SYR 15 days (visa issued on arrival)
*TWN 30 days
*TJK 45 days (visa issued on arrival)
*THA 30 days
*TLS 30 days (visa issued on arrival)
*ARE 60 days
*YEM 3 months (visa issued on arrival)Europe
*flag|European Union unlimited access
*ALB 1 month
*ARM 21 days (visa issued on arrival)
*AZE 30 days (visa issued on arrival)
*BIH 90 days
*HRV 90 days
*FRO 90 days
*GEO 90 days
*ISL unlimited access
*flag|Isle of Man
*LIE unlimited access
*MKD 90 days
*MDA 90 days
*MCO 90 days
*MNE 90 days
*NOR unlimited access
*SMR 90 days
*SRB 90 days
*CHE unlimited access
*TUR 3 months
*UKR 90 days
*VAT 90 daysOceania
*ASM 30 days
*AUS 3 monthsElectronic Travel Authority
**NFK 30 daysElectronic Travel Authority
*FJI 4 months
*PYF 90 days
*GUM 15 days
*FSM 30 days
*NCL 3 months
*NZL 3 months
*MNP 30 days
*COK 31 days
*NIU 30 days
*TKL (same as New Zealand)
*PLW 30 days
*PNG 60 days (visa issued on arrival)
*WSM 60 days
*SLB 3 months
*TUV 1 month
*WLF 90 daysee also
EFTA References
ee also
* Council regulation 539/2001 [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2001R0539:20050624:EN:PDF]
* Council regulation 1932/2006 [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2007:029:0010:0013:EN:PDF]
* Council regulation 539/2001 consolidated version, 19.1.2007 [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/site/en/consleg/2001/R/02001R0539-20070119-en.pdf]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.