- Fog fence
An air well, fog collector, or fog fence is an apparatus for collecting liquid
water fromfog , using of a finemesh or array of parallel wires. Proposed geometries include linear, similar to afence and cylindrical. It has the advantage of being passive, requiring no externalenergy source to perform its collection. This makes it attractive for deployment in less developed areas. An ideal location for fog fences is high arid areas near cold offshore currents, where fog is common.Principle
Fog contains about 0.05
kilogram s of water percubic meter , with droplets from 1 to 40micrometre s in diameter. It settles slowly and is carried by wind. Therefore, an efficient fog fence must be placed facing theprevailing winds , and must be a finemesh , as wind would flow around a solid wall and take the fog with it.The water droplets in the fog deposit on the mesh. A second mesh rubbing against the first causes the droplets to coalesce and run to the bottom of the meshes, where the water may be collected and led away.
Fog fences are limited by the local climate and topography. Their yield is affected by local weather and global weather fluctuations (such as El Niño). Windborne
dust can causecontamination of the collected water. The moisture collected can promote growth ofmold and other possibly toxicmicroorganism s on the mesh.Bird s andinsect s can also be sources of contamination.References
* Robert S. Schemenauer, Pilar Cereceda, "A Proposed Standard Fog Collector for Use in High-Elevation Regions", Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 33, Issue 11 (November 1994) [http://ams.allenpress.com/perlserv/?request=res-loc&uri=urn%3Aap%3Apdf%3Adoi%3A10.1175%2F1520-0450%281994%29033%3C1313%3AAPSFCF%3E2.0.CO%3B2 online]
* James O. Juvik and Dennis Nullet, "Comments on “A Proposed Standard Fog Collector for Use in High-Elevation Regions”", Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 34, Issue 9 (September 1995) [http://ams.allenpress.com/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1175%2F1520-0450(1995)034%3C2108%3ACOPSFC%3E2.0.CO%3B2&ct=1 online]
* Maria Victoria Marzol Jaén, "Fog water collection in a rural park in the Canary Islands (Spain)", Atmospheric Research, Volume 64, Issues 1-4, September-October 2002, Pages 239-250External links
* [http://www.fogquest.org/ Fog Quest Official Site]
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