- Fitzharrys School
Fitzharrys School, is a state
secondary school located on Northcourt Road,Abingdon, Oxfordshire , inEngland . Currently there are about 1000 students attending. The current headteacher isSusan Tranter . The school emblem that adorns the gateway and uniform badges depicts three Harriers on a blue background.pecialist School Status
2005 , Fitzharrys School has held the status of aSpecialist school , specialising in technology. The specialist school status is a joint partnership between the three state secondary schools in Abingdon: Fitzharrys,John Mason School andLarkmead School . As part of the recent change in status and increased funding many new investments have been made.Notable Alumni
Professor Kathy Sykes, Collier Chair For Public Engagement in Science and Engineering at the
University of Bristol studied at Fitzharrys. [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article391121.ece]External links
* [http://www.fitzharrys.oxon.sch.uk/index.php Official Website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.