Loegaire Buadach — [ Loiɣarʴe buaðax] („Loegaire der Siegreiche“) ist im Ulster Zyklus der Irischen Mythologie der Name eines eher komischen Helden aus der Provinz Ulster. Nach seinem Vater Connach (Connad) hat er auch den Namen Loegaire mac Connaich (Connaid).… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Loegaire Buadach — Lóegaire Búadach Dans la mythologie celtique irlandaise, Lóegaire Búadach (Lóegaire le Victorieux) est un guerrier d’Ulster, compagnon et faire valoir de Cúchulainn, dont il partage de nombreuses aventures. Il apparaît notamment dans Fled… … Wikipédia en Français
Lóegaire Búadach — Dans la mythologie celtique irlandaise, Lóegaire Búadach (Lóegaire le Victorieux) est un guerrier d’Ulster, compagnon et faire valoir de Cúchulainn, dont il partage de nombreuses aventures. Il apparaît notamment dans Fled Bricrenn (Le Festin de… … Wikipédia en Français
Lóegaire — is a given name.Infobox Given Name Revised name = Lóegaire origin = Ireland related names = Lóegaire (Laoghaire, Láegaire, Loeguire, sometimes anglicised as Leary) is a popular medieval Irish name borne by a number of historical and legendary… … Wikipedia
Lóegaire the Victorious — noun Lóegaire Búadach … Wiktionary
Ulster Cycle — Topics in the Ulster Cycle Ulster characters Amergin mac Eccit Athirne Blaí Briugu Briccriu Cairbre Cuanach Cathbad Celtchar Cethern mac Fintain Conall Cernach Conchobar mac Nessa Condere mac Echach Cruinniuc Cú Chulainn Culann Cúscraid Dáire mac … Wikipedia
Cú Roí — (Cú Ruí, Cú Raoi) mac Dáire is a king of Munster in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. He is usually portrayed as a warrior with superhuman abilities and a master of disguise possessed of magical powers. His name probably means hound of the… … Wikipedia
Conall Cernach — (modern spelling: Conall Cearnach) is a hero of the Ulaidh in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. He is said to have always slept with the head of a Connachtman under his knee. His epithet is normally translated as victorious or triumphant ,… … Wikipedia
Ciclo de Ulster — Temas del Ciclo de Ulster Personajes de Ulster Amergin Athirne Blaí Briugu Briccriu Cairbre Cuanach Cathbad Celtchar Cethern mac Fintain Conall Cernach Conchobar mac Nessa Condere mac Echach Cruinniuc Cúchulainn Culann Cúscraid Dáire mac Fiachna… … Wikipedia Español
Curadmír — The Curadmír or Champion s Portion[1] was an ancient custom referred to in early Irish literature, whereby the warrior acknowledged as the bravest present at a feast was given precedence and awarded the choicest cut of meat. This was often… … Wikipedia