ANC usually refers to:

* African National Congress, an anti-apartheid movement which became the ruling political party in South Africa in the 1994 election.
* "African Nations Cup", or African Cup of Nations, an international football tournament
* Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, Alaska, IATA airport code

ANC may also refer to:


* Advisory Neighborhood Commission, community-based legislative councils which advise the other branches of the city government on neighborhood matters in Washington, D.C.
* Army Nurse Corps, a nursing branch of the United States Army
* All Nations' Church (Apostolic Church), an apostolic church located in Kennington, London, UK, also known as The All Nations Centre
* Association National Carabinieri, National association of the pertaining to the Arm of the Italian Police (Carabinieri)
* The Association of Noise Consultants
* Armée Nationale Congolaise, the Congolese armed forces from 1960-71
* Australian Navy Cadets, voluntary youth organisation sponsored by the Royal Australian Navy.


* Agilent Technologies Inc.'s ticker symbol on the New York Stock Exchange
* All News Channel, a former TV channel
* ABS-CBN News Channel, a news channel for ABS-CBN
* ANC Holdings Limited, a UK courier company acquired by FedEx on December 18, 2006
* Acsion Nuclear Consultants, a Canadian company providing services in radiation protection, health physics and nuclear reactor calculations


* Active noise control or (Active noise cancellation), a noise-reduction technique
* Absolute neutrophil count, a measure of the real or actual number of white blood cells a patient has to fight infection
* Acid neutralizing capacity (also see Alkalinity)

* Ancaster railway station, United Kingdom, National Rail code
* Arkansas Northeastern College, a post-secondary state educational institution whose main campus is in Blytheville, Arkansas
* Arlington National Cemetery

* American National Corpus, a compendium of several hundred million examples of American English modeled after the British National Corpus, being compiled to advance scholarly study
* Ngas language of Nigeria, SIL International code
* Nuclear anchorage phenotype in "Caenorhabditis elegans"
* ANC-Halfords Cycling Team. Professional cycle race oufit from the 1980's.
* Absolute Neutrophil Count. Number of neutrophil granulocytes (a type of white blood cells) per microliter blood.

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  • ANC — 〈m.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.; Abk. für engl.〉 African National Congress (afrikan. Nationalkongress), 1912 gegründete Organisation des schwarzen Freiheitskampfes in Südafrika, die von 1960 1990 verboten war u. seit den Parlamentswahlen 1994 die stärkste …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

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