

Chofah (Thai: ช่อฟ้า; lit. sky tassel) is a Thai architectural decorative ornament that adorns the top at the end of Wat and palaces roof in most of the continental Southeast Asian countries, such as Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. It resembles a tall thin bird and looks hornlike. The chofah is generally believed to represent the mythical creature Garuda, half bird and half man, who is the vehicle of the Hindu god Vishnu.



  • Horn
  • Tip
  • Breast


  • Garuda tip
  • Fish tip
  • Elephant head
  • Bird head
  • Others


  • Karl Döhring, Buddhist Temples of Thailand: An Architectonic Introduction, White Lotus Press, 2000. ISBN 9-7475-3440-1

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