

Abaeus (Greek: polytonic|Ἀβαῖος) was a toponymic epithet of the Greek god Apollo, derived from the town of Abae in Phocis,Citation
last = Schmitz
first = Leonhard
author-link =
contribution = Abaeus
editor-last = Smith
editor-first = William
title = Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
volume = 1
pages = 1
publisher =
place = Boston
year = 1867
contribution-url = http://www.ancientlibrary.com/smith-bio/0010.html
] where the god had a rich temple renowned for its oracles, [Hesychius of Alexandria. "s.v." polytonic|Ἄβαι] [Herod, viii. 33] [Pausanias, "Description of Greece" x. 35. § 1, &c.] which were said to have been consulted by Croesus and Mardonius, among others. [cite book | last = Bell | first = Robert E. | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Place-Names in Classical Mythology | publisher = ABC-CLIO | date = 1989 | location = | pages = 1 | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 0-87436507-4]

This temple of Apollo Abaeus was destroyed by the Persians in the invasion of Xerxes, and a second time by the Boeotians. It was rebuilt by Hadrian. [cite book | last = Smith | first = William | authorlink = William Smith (lexicographer) | coauthors = | title = A New classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography | publisher = John Murray | date = 1850 | location = London | pages = 1 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=5_oGAAAAQAAJ | doi = | id = | isbn = ]




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