- Abid Ullah Jan
Abid Ullah Jan is a prolific writer and community development specialist. He has conceptualized and implemented a model of crime prevention through social development in South East Ottawa, called
No Community Left Behind (NCLB) [ [http://www.nocommunityleftbehind.ca/ No Community Left Behind] ] . The program won several Awards, including Community Builder of the Year Award from the United Way Ottawa. [ [http://www.nocommunityleftbehind.ca/community_builder_award.htm Community Builder Award] ]Mr. Jan is the author of seven books on international affairs, including: "The Ultimate Tragedy: Colonialists Rushing to Global War to Save the Crumbling Empire", "Afghanistan: The Genesis of the Final Crusade", "The Musharraf Factor: Leading Pakistan to its inevitable demise", "From BCCI to ISI: The Saga of Entrapment Continues" and "After Fascism: Muslims and the Struggle for Self-Determination". He is a regular contributor to Media Monitors Network (MMN) from Canada.
Mr. Jan believes that Pakistan and Afghanistan was one state, which still doesn't have a recognized border and the union of Pakistan and Afghanistan into a "Greater Afghanistan" is "inevitable and possible." [ [http://rupeenews.com/2008/02/29/the-inevitable-pakistan-afghan-union-by-by-abid-ullah-jan/ Abid Ullah Jan Talks about Greater Afghanistan] ] Mr. Jan also edits DictatorshipWatch.com [ [http://www.dictatorshipwatch.com DictatorshipWatch.com] ]
External links
* [http://www.mediamonitors.net/abidullahjan35.html Newsweek is spreading hate]
* [http://www.pragmaticpublishings.com/abidullahjan.htm biography]
* [http://www.nocommunityleftbehind.ca/cbaward.htm Community Builder Award Video Clip]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.