- Internet in Sweden
Sweden , household broadband is mainly available through cable (in speeds of 128 kbit/s to 24 Mbit/s) andADSL (256 kbit/s to 24 Mbit/s), but in many places also through copperEthernet LAN networked via fibre MANs connecting buildings. [1 Mbit = 1000 kbit; 1 kbit = 1000 bit]
=Cable=Com Hem is the largest provider of cable internet in Sweden.
=Ethernet LAN / Fiber /FTTH =The prices for these services depends on which city you live and the provider of the physical cable. Many cities owns their own fibernetwork and allows different ISPs to offer their services through these nets.
*The wired market has seen large investments, such as those from the
Carlyle Group , a leading investment company which used to hold 21.6% of theBredbandsbolaget equity. In July 2005 Bredbandsbolaget was bought by Norwegian Telenor ASA. Bredbandsbolaget have recently performed a string of acquisitions of weaker competitors. The wireless broadband market have also seen large foreign direct investments; for exampleHutchison Whampoa 's investments in the Scandinavian 3G mobile operator3 (telecommunications) .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.