- Kilobit
A kilobit is a unit of information, abbreviated kbit (or kb).
The standard definition is 1 kilobit = 103 bit = 1,000
bit Fact|date=September 2008. In the context of storage-memory and address-space sizes, the alternative binary definition of 210 = 1,024bit is occasionally used (seeBinary prefix ), although this usage is ambiguous.Kilobits are commonly used to express digital communication speeds, e.g. a 56
kbit/s PSTN or 512 kbit/sbroadband Internet connection. In the context oftelecommunication transmission speeds, the decimal definition 1 kilobit = 1,000 bit is used uniformly.The kilobit is closely related to the
kibibit , which is unambiguously equal to 210 = 1,024 bit.Kilobit (abbreviated to kb with a lower case b) is sometimes confused with the term
kilobyte (abbreviated to kB or KB with an upper case B).ee also
*kilobit per second
*binary prefix
*orders of magnitude (data)
* [http://www.ieee.org/portal/cms_docs_iportals/iportals/publications/authors/transjnl/auinfo07.pdf IEEE information for authors, page A1 & A4]
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