FK Podunavac Belegiš

FK Podunavac Belegiš

FK Podunavac is a Serbian football club based in Belegiš, Serbia. It's founded 1930 but it played only friendly matches for a long time, because the club was not registered. Since 1933 the club started playing the official games.


STRELCI 2007/2008

Novoselac Svetozar - 14golRasic Nenad - 8golMiljus Slobodan - 6golDjukovic Miljan - 4golRastovic Milos - 2gol

Current team

Podmladak Fk Podunavac Belegis

GOLMANI:Dzombic Dejan 1 Tarbuk Milos 25.ODBRANA:Miljus Slobodan 2.Toskovic Jovan 3.Miljevic Lazar 4.Djukovic Miljan 5.SREDINA:Babic Milos 6.Krivosija Nenad 7.Rastovic Milos 8.Jovanov Vladimir 9.NAPAD:Novoselac Svetozar 10. (c.)Rasic Nenad 11.

IZMENE:Bratic Tomica 13.Radakovic Dusan 14.Vukasinac Branko 15.Radakovic Nikola 16.Subotic Branislav 17.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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