- Presentation complex
geometric group theory , a presentation complex is a 2-dimensionalcell complex associated to any presentation of a group "G". The complex has a single vertex, and one loop at the vertex for each generator of "G". There is one 2-cell for each relation in the presentation, with the boundary of the 2-cell attached along the appropriate word.Properties
* The
fundamental group of the presentation complex is the group "G" itself.
* Theuniversal cover of the presentation complex is a Cayley complex for "G", whose 1-skeleton is theCayley graph of "G".
* Any presentation complex for "G" is the 2-skeleton of anEilenberg-Maclane space "K"("G",1).Example
Let "G" =Z2 be the two-dimensional integer lattice, with a presentation
: G=langle x,y|xyx^{-1}y^{-1} angle.
Then the presentation complex for "G" is a
torus , obtained by gluing the opposite sides of a square, the 2-cell, which are labelled "x" and "y". All four corners of the square are glued into a single vertex, the 0-cell of the presentation complex, while a pair consisting of a longtitudal and meridian circles on the torus, intersecting at the vertex, constitutes its 1-skeleton.The associated Cayley complex is a regular tiling of the plane by unit squares. The 1-skeleton of this complex is a Cayley graph for Z2.
* Roger C. Lyndon and Paul E. Schupp, "Combinatorial group theory". Reprint of the 1977 edition (
Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete , Band 89). Classics in Mathematics.Springer-Verlag , Berlin, 2001 ISBN 3-540-41158-5
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